Best Ways to Spackle holes


Scrape at 90 degree angle over the Holes

Spackling is a method used to fill out any holes in the wall. To fill them out effectively it requires proper application and the right amount of product. Use larger portions of product if the applied area shrinks away. Use a putty knife and scrape them at a 90 degree angle. When you see the application is smooth, let the wall dry. Now apply the second layer for even better results and then sand the surface with sandpaper.

Written by Thomas Flores
3 months ago

Use a Spackle and Putty Knife

Walls go through a lot to reach the aesthetics we want at our home. Million holes are drilled to put up pictures, decorations etc. But these holes can be repaired too. All you need spackle and a putty knife. First scrape off any dirt from the wall, then put the right amount of spackle according to the size of your hole onto the putty knife. Apply that into the hole. Let the wall dry for 4-5 hours and apply more layers if want better results. Use a putty knife to even out the surface when it dries!

Written by Margie Hansen
12 months ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Spackle Holes?

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Spackle drywall

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