Best Ways to Hydrate skin


Invest in a humidifier

Humidifiers can tag along and provide some much-needed support in your battle against dry skin by boosting the moisture content in your home. Humidifiers are also beneficial to a person’s respiratory health and facilitate better sleep. 

Written by Ruby Nash
10 months ago

Hydrating Skincare

Aside from keeping your entire body hydrated, you can supplement your skin's hydration with skincare products. You should look for products that have hydrating ingredients such as hyaluronic acid. HA helps replenish your skin by hydrating it and combating early signs of aging. Ceramides are also a great ingredient in skincare. They work to repair and rebuild your skin's moisture barrier in order to prevent the loss of moisture. There are many products with these ingredients on the market in a variety of price ranges.

Written by Tracy Ramirez
1 month ago

A Sunscreen is must

So, how does the sun dehydrates your skin?

Well, you can’t stay home forever. You will eventually have to get out under the sun. This is when your skin gets exposed to UV rays, without any protection, it can damage or even kill skin cells.

The UV exposure damages the outermost layer of the skin making it thick and dehydrated, leaving behind rough flaky skin. It can also damage the skin’s elastin( the fibers that are responsible for the smooth, supple, and youthful look of the skin).

What's the solution then?

Applying a broad-spectrum sunscreen will block all harmful rays from the sun. It will save your skin from any damage and keep it looking youthful and radiant. Regular use can also help already damaged skin and stop it from getting any further worse.

A Sunscreen is must

Written by Ronald Brooks
1 year ago


Avocados are loaded with antioxidants, healthy fats, and vitamins that collectively hydrate your skin whether you slice it, mash it, or make a smoothie and drink it. However, did you ever consider smothering it all over your face? Avocados are an excellent natural hydrating face mask.

If you like what you read, mesh some avocado flesh and add to it a teaspoon of avocado oil. Apply it to your face and let it sit for 5 minutes. Wash it off with some warm water. It’s that simple.


Written by Arturo Moore
1 year ago

Drink water

The best way to keep your entire body hydrated, including your skin, is to drink water throughout the day. You should be drinking at least a half gallon (64 ounces) of water every day. That's eight glasses a day! If you're doing heavy exercise or activities outdoors, you will need more water to keep yourself properly hydrated. Keep a water bottle handy to keep yourself accountable and refill it as needed! To have hydrated skin, you have to start from the inside out. Drink water

Written by Jean Tate
1 year ago

Avoid very Long and Hot Showers

A hot, steamy shower is what we all need during the wintertime. Although it feels very good at that time, it can lead to excessively dry skin afterward.

Hot showers not only dry out but also damage the surface of the skin. It causes damage to the keratin cells located in the epidermis(the most outer layer of our skin). Damage to these cells makes them unable to lock in moisture and the skin dries out. Higher temperature can also lead to skin conditions like eczema.

It is advised to use lukewarm water for shower and bath. The temperature of lukewarm water is typically said to be 98.9 degrees Fahrenheit, but it is up to personal preference and tolerance. Many consider the room temperature to be the lukewarm temperature.

Avoid very Long and Hot Showers

Written by Orlando Sparks
1 year ago

Eat Water-Rich Foods

Having dry skin feels like there is no amount of moisturizer that can keep it soft and hydrated. Know this doesn't mean to skip out moisturizers, but it does mean that it's time to look into your diet.

Fruits and vegetables not only hydrate but are also very good for your skin. The nutrients present in these help boost skin health and keep it hydrated.

Eat Water-Rich Foods

The foods that you should try right away to feel the difference in your skin are:

·       Sweet Potatoes

·       Avocados

·       Cucumbers

·       Tangerines

·       Coconut oil

·       Fish

·       oysters

·       Nuts and seeds

Written by Karen Williamson
1 year ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Hydrate Skin?

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