Topics tagged home

image for topic 'Increase home value'
Best Ways to

Increase home value

Last answer by Dustin Hunter 1 month ago:
Use your home staging skills to make your house look attractive. Everyone deserves to enjoy a pretty home. Adding ...
Use your home staging skills to make your house look attractive. Everyone deserves ...
Answers: 7
image for topic 'Remove odors from home'
Best Ways to

Remove odors from home

Last answer by Dorothy Branch 1 week ago:
Soaps smell great and this is why you can use them to scent your closet and clothes. They can also save the money ...
Soaps smell great and this is why you can use them to scent your closet and clothes. ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Decorate your room'
Best Ways to

Decorate your room

Last answer by Ira Schmidt 3 months ago:
Simple changes and additions to your room can improve the overall feel of the space. If you are a minimalist, make ...
Simple changes and additions to your room can improve the overall feel of the space. ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Freshen your home'
Best Ways to

Freshen your home

Last answer by Clayton Bell 1 month ago:
The house automatically feels fresh and improves your mood with the addition of plants. They are small supplies ...
The house automatically feels fresh and improves your mood with the addition of plants. ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Hang pictures'
Best Ways to

Hang pictures

Last answer by Moises West 3 weeks ago:
Use photos and pictures to make a memory heart on the wall. Use double-sided tape on the backside of the photos ...
Use photos and pictures to make a memory heart on the wall. Use double-sided tape ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Organize your room'
Best Ways to

Organize your room

Last answer by Warren Austin 3 months ago:
Keep a hamper for dirty clothes in the closet or near the closet. It will gather your clothes in one place instead ...
Keep a hamper for dirty clothes in the closet or near the closet. It will gather ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Paint a room'
Best Ways to

Paint a room

Last answer by Miguel Roberson 10 months ago:
A basic rule of making the room look taller is going for a darker color on the floor and a lighter color on ceilings ...
A basic rule of making the room look taller is going for a darker color on the floor ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Arrange bedroom'
Best Ways to

Arrange bedroom

Last answer by Carolyn Wheeler 5 months ago:
If your room is spacious you can put a small couch or two chairs and a table in the room, while leaving ample free ...
If your room is spacious you can put a small couch or two chairs and a table in the ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Purify air'
Best Ways to

Purify air

Last answer by Judith Rogers 5 months ago:
Activated charcoal is a natural air purifier. It’s also referred to as active carbon and works as an excellent ...
Activated charcoal is a natural air purifier. It’s also referred to as active carbon ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Prepare the house for sale'
Best Ways to

Prepare the house for sale

Last answer by Sara Butler 2 months ago:
When you're preparing to sell your home, it gives you the perfect opportunity to start organizing the things you ...
When you're preparing to sell your home, it gives you the perfect opportunity to ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Fund home improvements'
Best Ways to

Fund home improvements

Last answer by George Cervantes 2 weeks ago:
When it comes to renovation and improvements of your house, there is no other best way to pay for it than your ...
When it comes to renovation and improvements of your house, there is no other best ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Spackle holes'
Best Ways to

Spackle holes

Last answer by Margie Hansen 7 months ago:
Walls go through a lot to reach the aesthetics we want at our home. Million holes are drilled to put up pictures, ...
Walls go through a lot to reach the aesthetics we want at our home. Million holes ...
Answers: 2

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