Topics tagged backup

image for topic 'Zip files'
Best Ways to

Zip files

Last answer by Amy Johnston 3 months ago:
If you have a single file that is taking up a lot of storage space, such as videos, this method may be for you. ...
If you have a single file that is taking up a lot of storage space, such as videos, ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Archive files'
Best Ways to

Archive files

Last answer by Dina Anderson 3 years ago:
Cloud computing services are extremely cheap and easy to purchase in 2021. If you're looking to archive digital ...
Cloud computing services are extremely cheap and easy to purchase in 2021. If you're ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Archive emails'
Best Ways to

Archive emails

Last answer by Maureen Stone 7 months ago:
Log in to Outlook from your desktop computer. Select the emails you would like to archive. If required, use the ...
Log in to Outlook from your desktop computer. Select the emails you would like to ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Archive video files'
Best Ways to

Archive video files

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image for topic 'Archive data'
Best Ways to

Archive data

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image for topic 'Archive photos'
Best Ways to

Archive photos

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