Best Ways to Improve your reaction time


Stay Hydrated

You for sure didn’t know, that your brain can shrink when you are dehydrated! The brain is mainly made up of water. Therefore, lack of water can greatly affect your reaction time.

How do you think your brain will fire off signals when it is struggling with its own health?

Proper hydration is the key to your health. Countless studies have established a link between dehydration and poor brain performance.

The problem here to keep your brain hydrated is that you won’t know you have reached the critical point. By the time you feel that your body needs water, your brain might have already been a little slow.

To avoid these issues and keep your brain in the best condition possible, consume water thoroughly throughout the day. At least 2 liters of water each day is advised by the experts.

Stay Hydrated

Written by Summer Spencer
4 months ago


The tenser you are, the slower your reaction time is going to be. Stiff muscles move slower. If you feel like you’re not able to relax, try to meditate. Focus on your breathing and practice mindfulness. Research suggests that people who meditate perform better than those who didn’t meditate on reaction-timed tasks.

Written by Sharon Glass
1 month ago

Get enough Sleep

At least 8 hours of sleep a day is necessary to stay healthy. However, the busy schedules in today's world make it difficult for many people.

The brain needs those precious hours of sleep to function properly, that's why your reaction time is incredibly poor after a whole night spent studying for a test or prepare for a big presentation.

Your brain runs a 24-hour internal cycle. All the events spent in the day are stored in its short term memory, and during your sleep at night, they are backed up to its long term memory. When you don’t sleep the short-term memory fills up, just like a hard disk. You are going to face some extreme buffering and performance issues.

Your reaction time can dramatically increase when you wake up feeling fresh, after a good night's sleep.

Get enough Sleep

Written by Elias Ray
5 days ago

Play videogames

I kid you not! Video games are an excellent, fun way to improve your reaction time. Scientists at the University of Rochester conducted a study that revealed that action video games helped the subjects of the study make correct decisions quicker. Moreover, they were also seen to develop a heightened sensitivity to their environment. 

Play videogames

Written by Ronald Caldwell
1 year ago

Get enough Sleep

At least 8 hours of sleep a day is necessary to stay healthy. However, the busy schedules in today's world make it difficult for many people.

The brain needs those precious hours of sleep to function properly, that's why your reaction time is incredibly poor after a whole night spent studying for a test or prepare for a big presentation.

Your brain runs a 24-hour internal cycle. All the events spent in the day are stored in its short term memory, and during your sleep at night, they are backed up to its long term memory. When you don’t sleep the short-term memory fills up, just like a hard disk. You are going to face some extreme buffering and performance issues.

Your reaction time can dramatically increase when you wake up feeling fresh, after a good night's sleep.

Get enough Sleep

Written by Jeremy Duran
1 year ago

Work on your diet

Brain functioning and fast reaction times are directly linked. It’s important to eat a diet that provides sufficient nourishment to your brain and spinal cord so you’re able to keep up your motor skills and reflexes. For example, consuming enough antioxidants can shield the brain against the negative impacts of stress and age which significantly contribute to cognitive decline.

You can obtain this nutrition by adding raspberries, blueberries, pomegranates, and blackcurrants to your diet. Another important nutrient is Vitamin K, which is found in broccoli and directly improves the brain’s functioning. The relationship between caffeine and reaction time is also positive, but it’s best to keep your caffeine intake under control. 

Written by Dolores Wallace
11 months ago

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