Best Ways to Advocate


Document all the notes

Keeping records of all the documents and notes is the best way to aid the process of advocacy. Whether you talk to the other part on the phone or via email, keep track of the address, name, and information exchanged. If possible, jot down the position and title of the party you spoke with.

The information in your diary will help you organize and talk better in front of a person higher in the title. Sometimes, the advocates also receive requests in form of letters and notices. Make sure you keep them together in a binder.

Written by Carolina Massey
4 months ago

Prepare yourself

The key to effective advocacy is preparation. Always remember that information you have and will prepare with, is your power. The more you inform yourself on a particular topic, the better you speak on behalf of others. Preparation varies from situation to situation- you need to be informed about how systems operate and all the rights that the law gives you.

You should clearly identify all the barriers and problems that might help you to advocate better. To address your client’s needs, you need to identify and state workable solutions as well. Finding a viable solution is the only way you can talk things through with the other party.

Written by Earl Alvarez
9 months ago

Communicate Well

Communication is crucial for effective advocacy and it might take many forms such as messages, emails, phone calls, group meetings, letters, and face-to-face meetings. You need to ensure that your requests and messages are stated briefly and clearly. Therefore, you need to be concrete and clear. Be prepared about everything you are going to address. Conveying information is the only way to support your requests.

Moreover, you should communicate assertively. That is, you should have a firm tone. Whenever you attend face-to-face meetings, use direct eye contact and keep your body erect and straight.

Communicate Well

Written by Jacqueline Martin
6 months ago

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