Best Ways to Kill flies


Ward Off Flies

Killing these pests won’t always help because they are outnumbered and no matter how many of them you kill in a day, others will make it to your house if your house has what they are looking for. Flies like to sit on moist organic materials such as fermented food, food waste, and even poop. After all the sitting business they land on your face to make you cranky and disgusted.

Well, they are basically looking for organic materials and if your house has it, then they will always try to get in. To ward them off, keep your house clean, don’t leave food lying open; cover it. Sanitize the surfaces with vinegar or bleach and clean after your pets. A clean house is usually not the best place for the flies and they will stay away.

Written by Dustin Hunter
7 months ago

Venus Fly Trap

If you haven’t learned about the Venus Fly Trap in your science class, then you should do it now. In a nutshell, it is a plant that can kill (eat) flies, spiders, and other small bugs that come into contact with its leaves (traps). The overall plant looks fine with its small white flowers and strange leaves (traps). They are easily available at most nurseries. So, grab a bunch of these and put them in your yard or near the entrance to kill these pests.

Venus Fly Trap

Written by Norris Turner
3 months ago

DIY Trap

The summer weather brings also brings unwanted pests; flies. They can ruin your picnic day, invade your house and contaminate your food. Additionally, they are annoying and their presence in your house can sometimes put you in a bad mood. To kill them, you can make a DIY flies trap that can kill them effectively. It is easy to make and can be made in less than 5 minutes.

You will need a:

·      A blade/ cutter

·      An old plastic can/ bottle (medium or large size)

·      Plastic Wrap

·      Dishwash soap/ oil

·      Something to lure the flies such as fruits, juice, wine or anything sugary

Cut the lid of the plastic bottle/can with a sharp blade. Peel fruits and put them in the bottle. You can add juice or water to the entire base. The water or juice will drown the flies. Rub some soapy solution of dishwashing fluid on the sides, you can also use oil at this point and add some of it to the juice/water mixture. The lack of friction will compel the flies to drown inside the water.

For additional security, put plastic wrap on the bottle and poke a few holes large enough for them to get in. Flies are silly insects and once they enter the bottle; they won’t remember the exit. Even if they don’t drown in the liquid, they will be trapped inside the bottle. 

Written by Virginia Herman
6 months ago


Flies hate the smell of mint, lavender, lemongrass, and basil. To cast off the flies, invest in small pots of basil, and lemongrass. Place them near the windows or doors where the plant can find some air and sunlight as well. The flies will stay away from them and your house. You can also enjoy fresh basil on pasta and lemongrass tea from time to time. 


Written by Justin Burke
10 months ago

Block Their Entrance

If the flies are getting into your house, it’s because they are finding a way to get in such as an open window or a door. Once you have figured out where they are coming in from, you can block their entrance into the house.

If there are a lot of them inside the hose, chase them out. Use a cloth such as your scarf to blow them away and out of a door. Chase them until they get out. Once they are out, close all the doors and windows.

Block Their Entrance

Written by Joanne Allison
2 months ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Kill Flies?

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