Topics tagged diet

image for topic 'Intermittent fast'
Best Ways to

Intermittent fast

Last answer by Billy Powell 7 days ago:
Skipping one meal a day means you either stop eating your lunch or dinner. Breakfast is the first meal in the morning ...
Skipping one meal a day means you either stop eating your lunch or dinner. Breakfast ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Stick to a diet'
Best Ways to

Stick to a diet

Last answer by Maxwell Hudson 10 months ago:
We all understand that we need snacks sometimes when we are starving and getting rid of them altogether will only ...
We all understand that we need snacks sometimes when we are starving and getting ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Help constipation'
Best Ways to

Help constipation

Last answer by Mack Boyd 5 months ago:
Stretching can help your body to relieve itself, by relaxing your muscles and sort of "readjusting". Here are some ...
Stretching can help your body to relieve itself, by relaxing your muscles and sort ...
Answers: 4

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