Best Ways to Help constipation

Help constipation

Consume Spicy Food

Now, this may not be the healthiest option but it may work as a wonder for some people. Food that is extra spicy can give some people diarrhea because it can disturb the bowel movement. If you are constipated eat a fiber-rich diet that is spicy, to relieve constipation. The spice may make you a bit uncomfortable because it’s hot and can cause gas, or burning in the stomach. 

Consume Spicy Food

Written by Jodi Clark
4 years ago

Eat Vegetables

To induce a bowel movement fast, you would need to eat something that is high in fiber, eat vegetables like carrots, broccoli, avocadoes, or popcorn. Most vegetables are good sources of fiber that are good for gut health so make sure you eat plenty of fresh vegetables. Fibrous food adds weight to the stool in your intestines which induces the urge to defecate. 

Eat Vegetables

Written by Nicholas Washington
2 years ago

More Fiber

Fibrous foods give volume to the stool and avoid constipation. If you are constipated, there is a high chance you haven’t been consuming a lot of fiber lately. Oats, barley, fibrous vegetables, and citrus fruits can help with constipation. Eating more food can also help you defecate by increasing the mass of feces. If you are dehydrated, drink a glass of water to trigger the bowel movement. More food and water can help move things along the way in your intestines.

More Fiber 

Written by Russell Holland
12 months ago

Try Stretching

Stretching can help your body to relieve itself, by relaxing your muscles and sort of "readjusting". Here are some stretches that might help:

Child's Pose

Child's pose is a great pose for constipation relief, has it puts pressure on the affected area and is quite easy to do. Simply sit on your knees with your rear at your feet, and stretch your arms out forward onto the floor.

Try Stretching


To do a cobra, lie on your stomach with your hands flat on the ground and at your shoulders, as if you were about to do a push-up. Then, pushing with your hands, and lifting with your abs, lift your upper body up and back as far as you can go without hurting yourself. This will awaken your abdomen and the parts of your body that may be backed up.

Written by Mack Boyd
5 months ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Help Constipation?

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