Best Ways to Cook salmon


Pan Fried Salmon

Rub some lemon juice, salt, and pepper on the salmon and keep it aside for 15 minutes. In a frying pan, heat up 2 tablespoons of olive oil or butter. Fry the salmon for 7 minutes on each side on medium flame. If the salmon pieces you are cooking are too thick, give it up to 10 minutes on each side. Flip and cook the other side. Add some more oil if required. Serve it with lemon slices and fresh parsley on top.

Written by Ryan Allen
9 months ago

Honey Glazed Salmon

You will need:

·      1 tablespoon of honey

·      1 tablespoon of soy sauce

·      2 tablespoons of lemon juice       

·      1 teaspoon red chili flakes

·      3 cloves of garlic (minced)

Whisk together honey, soy sauce, lemon juice, and chili flakes in a bowl. Heat oil in a pan. When it’s boiling, add the pieces of salmon. Season with black pepper and salt. Flip and cook for a few minutes. Then add the minced garlic. Cook and coat the garlic on the fish. When the fish is 75-80% cooked, add the mixture. Baste the fish with the mixture and let it cook for a minute or two until well-glazed. Serve with thin lemon slices and drizzle of honey on top.  

Written by Curtis Zimmerman
5 months ago

Garlic and Butter

Salmon with garlic and butter can be made in a single pan with some vegetables. It is the perfect throw together meal that will taste great. The salmon comes out juicy and tender every time.

I make the fish marinade with lemon juice, a few cloves of garlic (minced), black pepper, salt, freshly cut parsley, and olive oil. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl. Dip the salmon pieces and rub the marinade all over the fish.

I like to eat salmon with asparagus and potatoes. Salmon takes less time to cook than potatoes so I let the potatoes cook in the oven for half an hour. Coat the potatoes with oil/butter and salt. Then, I push the potatoes to the side and lay the asparagus and pieces of salmon. Bake the salmon and asparagus at 200 degrees C for 15 minutes. The skin or the outer side of salmon should be looking golden and brown at the edges. 

Written by Dina Anderson
4 months ago

In a frying pan

If you have a skin-on salmon filet, the simplest way to cook it is in a frying pan.

In a frying pan

To start, get your frying pan and in it heat equal parts butter and oil so that it just covers the bottom. Then take your raw salmon filets and sprinkle all over with salt and pepper.

Lay the filets skin-side down (the oil should sizzle) and let cook for a couple minutes until the salmon starts to turn opaque. Then, cover the pan with a lid so that the salmon can cook all the way through, about 5-10 minutes, depending on the size.

Remove from pan, finish with salt and pepper if needed, and a squeeze of lemon if desired.

Written by Harry Cole
17 hours ago

BBQ Salmon

Zest lime and squeeze it into a bowl. Pour in some rice vinegar, hoisin sauce, soy sauce, hot sauce/chili garlic sauce, and chili flakes. Place the fish in the mixture. Preheat a grill and grease it with some oil. Using tongs, transfer the fish pieces onto the grill. Brush half of the sauce on the pieces. Flip sides after a few minutes and brush the leftover sauce over the salmon. Chop some green onions and put them on top of the fish pieces. Sprinkle some sesame seeds and transfer the salmon to a plate.

BBQ Salmon

Written by Harriet Reynolds
2 years ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Cook Salmon?

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