Best Ways to Stick to a diet

Stick to a diet

Don’t Starve

The first and foremost thing you need to understand about dieting is that it is not starving. If you really want to eat healthy food and shed some weight, you need a healthy and balanced diet. You cannot survive on carrots or lettuce for a week because you are not a bunny.

Make sure that the diet plan you are adopting is not too strict especially when you cannot spend a day without eating fast food. Change your diet slowly by allowing yourself to eat one unhealthy meal a day, to one unhealthy or cheat meal a week. Less pressure to eat healthy meals will help you stay consistent in your dieting efforts.

Written by Ernesto James
4 years ago

Keep unhealthy foods out of reach

If you’re sitting in a home with a refrigerator full of junk, you’re going to want to eat it. If not today, then tomorrow, or the day after.

Instead, trash all of those things and stock up on healthy foods. You don’t have to starve yourself, just eating healthy and right foods will go a long way in your weight loss process.

Keep unhealthy foods out of reach

Written by Brittany Cunningham
1 year ago

Ask Someone to Check-Up on You

This has to be someone close to you who cares about you, such as your partner, a family member, or a friend. If you live alone, ask your mom or a friend to help you stick to the diet by asking you often about what you are eating.

Ask Someone to Check-Up on You

Staying on a diet is easier if your partner or a sibling living in the same house is doing it with you or helping you. So that on days when you don’t feel like cooking at home, they can do it for you.

Written by Robert Thomas
1 year ago

Get Less Snacks

We all understand that we need snacks sometimes when we are starving and getting rid of them altogether will only make us grumpy this is why you should never get rid of them completely. Keep a few “emergency snacks” at home for those nights when you don’t eat dinner or eat less.

You can also choose to keep healthier snacks at home, such as granola bars or banana chips. Tell yourself that snacks are for the situations when you are very hungry not for eating all the time and if you eat them, you won’t get more for the rest of the week. 

Written by Maxwell Hudson
10 months ago

Set realistic expectations

People who set very high goals for themselves often feel overwhelmed and give up on their diet plan altogether. Instead, choose a diet plan that that is not extremely demanding for you.

Persistence is the key. Rather than trying to starve yourself, try to prepare a diet plan that you can stick with for the next whole year at the minimum. 

Written by Marjorie Roberson
4 years ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Stick to a Diet?

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