Washing the dishes should not take a lot of water if you have let the dishes stay soaked in water for at least 15 minutes. To conserve water while washing dishes, always soak them in water before you wash them.
Remove excess food from the plates and fill up the sink partially with warm or hot water. Add the dishes to it and let it stay for 15 minutes. Then remove the dishes and clean them with soap and water. The dishwashing should now use less running water. It also helps squeaky clean them every time.
A typical hot shower can take up to 15 or even 30 minutes for some. Hot baths can be tempting and you might end up wasting a lot of water. Experts say that anything more than 10 minutes is too much for your skin.
To conserve water, play a song that is 5 minutes long. Schedule your shower activities accordingly and try to finish before the song ends. If you have to exfoliate skin or brush, turn off the shower and turn it back on when you are ready to use the water. Avoid letting the water run when you are not using it.
Each cycle of the washing machine takes up to 35 gallons of water. Fully load the washing machine when doing your laundry. If you do your laundry twice a week and wash fewer clothes each time. Wait until you gather more. Fully load the washing machine and wash all the clothes at once. This can help save water, energy, and detergent.
An old toilet may start leaking on its own after a while. To check for toilet leaks put some color in the water tank. If you can notice color inside the toilet without flushing, it means your toilet tank leaks. Get it fixed to conserve water and save up on your water bill.
Letting the water run when you are shaving, brushing or cleansing is a bad habit. Turn it off, if you won’t be using it for at least a minute. If you have to let the water run until it’s hot, fill a bucket. You can use the bucket of water later for cleaning.
Tell your kids to do the same. Kids often forget to turn the taps off and play while the water is still running. Make sure that everyone at your house is conserving water.
Cleaning the driveway with a water hose can waste as much as a hundred gallons of water or more. If you have to clean the driveway, use a brush or blower to clear it. You can also spread the water around and clean the driveway with a wiper. You might have to make an effort but you will be conserving many gallons of water at once.