Best Ways to End a relationship


Don't go into the Details

You don’t want an argument when you are cutting ties so don’t talk about everything. Give them general answers and don’t tell them where it went wrong and what hurts you. If you are at this point that you are ending the relationship, it is because you have tried to make it work but it didn’t.

Written by Mildred Hawkins
7 months ago

End it Face to Face

Don’t end it on a message or a phone call. The person you want to remove from your life has the right to know why you are doing this. Meet them in-person at home or in a public place. If your partner can become violent and angry quickly, have a friend near but don’t involve the friend in the conversation. Tell them to wait outside or sit somewhere else.

Written by Rosie Bishop
3 weeks ago

End it Face to Face

Don’t end it on a message or a phone call. The person you want to remove from your life has the right to know why you are doing this. Meet them in-person at home or in a public place. If your partner can become violent and angry quickly, have a friend near but don’t involve the friend in the conversation. Tell them to wait outside or sit somewhere else.

Written by Antonia Lyons
1 day ago

Prepare Yourself Mentally

There is no relationship that you can end happily but that does not mean you should stay in the relationship. Think about how getting out of this relationship will improve your life. Be clear of what you want, if you want to avoid a yo-yo relationship, button-up and do it.

Acknowledge that you love the person or loved them and they were important. Prepare yourself for the pain and trauma that will follow. Try to make the process as simple as possible and stop delaying it. If you want to take some time to think about it, distance yourself from them and figure out what you want to do.

Prepare Yourself Mentally

Written by Carlos Ball
5 months ago

Be Honest

Don’t make excuses or lie to your partner. Tell them exactly what the problem is. Be polite when expressing yourself. If you want to break up with a person because they make less money or are unattractive, avoid saying ‘You are poor’ and ‘You are ugly’. 

You don’t want to scar this person for their entire life, you just don’t want to be with them. Express yourself and explain how you can be a better person without them and live happily. 

Written by Ramona Terry
5 months ago

Choose Your Time and Place Wisely

Pick a time and place that allows you and the person you are about to leave some privacy from. Don't break up with someone just before they have an important test or are about to go to work. Fridays are a suitable option if you give your future ex the weekend to recover a bit.

Please don't break up with your partner at their favorite restaurant, bar, or place in a park. Choose a neutral location that has no special meaning to either of you.

Pick a time when you know you will be in a relatively calm emotional state. Don't break up with your partner after knowing that you will be staying up late for a stressful meeting at work.Choose Your Time and Place Wisely

Written by Glenn Reynolds
3 months ago

Don't Give In

If the relationship is not working despite giving it a chance, again and again, don’t give it another chance. You cannot wait for it to work your entire life by giving it another chance and then another. It’s time to part ways and be happy.

If the person you love or once loved is toxic or a narcissist, they will never let you leave easily. They will try their best to get that one last chance to betray you, play with your feelings, and make you feel awful all over again. Don’t fall for that trap!

Don't Give In

Written by Dorothy Branch
1 day ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO End a Relationship?

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