Best Ways to Slide into her dms


Crack a Joke

Everyone likes to have a good laugh. Cracking a joke that is not very lame, stupid, or cheesy can be interesting. Don’t send a vulgar joke or a meme. Say something that makes her laugh and shows that you are an interesting and funny guy. The one thing all women admire about their boy-friends is how they can make them laugh at the most awkward and unexpected moments. If you are the kind of guy who is good at cracking jokes, try sending her a funny message that also shows you would be interested in dating her. If she reads the text, she might reply.

Or she may read, laugh, and ignore you.Crack a Joke

Written by Rosie Browning
1 year ago

Be Interesting

Most people don't know how to respond to a message that just says "hey" or "wyd". Ask questions, make jokes, and be engaging so that your conversation doesn't fizzle out after two messages.Be Interesting

You could ask some questions about what they've been posting lately ("I saw you went skiing, which mountain did you go to?"), some of your mutual connections ("You're friends with Mindy? How did you two meet?"), or break the ice with a joke. Most importantly, try not to be too invasive or crude right off the bat or you risk coming off like a creep.

Written by Erin Schmidt
1 year ago

Be Yourself

Women like honest and straight-forward men, a good sense of humor is a bonus. When you are sending her a text for the first time, avoid showing off. Don’t send her a gym selfie or a picture of you with expensive care. A genuine person does not care about such things. With that kind of strategy, you will only be attracting a gold digger.

Be Yourself

If you want to go on a date with this woman and you want to appear attractive-be yourself. You can’t write her a love letter or just say what’s up? You need something better than that. Find something creative and engaging which is also the right size when sliding into her DMs.

Written by Owen Kirby
1 day ago

Look at the Competition

If you want to slide into her DMs without looking like a fool, you need a better plan to grab her attention. Look at how many friends she has, if she has 200-400 friends, she might come across your message and read it. But if she has thousands of people on her friend list, getting foolish messages is a common thing. Dudes out there would be sending her weird texts every day unless you have a really good plan to grab her attention, don’t try.

If you are someone she knows in person or you have a mutual friend, then you have a topic to talk about. Be humble and send a polite message when you are finally competing for her attention. 

Written by Jeremy Colon
3 months ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Slide Into Her Dms?

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