Best Ways to Concentrate on studies


Prepare Yourself Mentally

Preparing yourself mentally means that you make your brain ready to study. Exams are hard and it is easy for the brain to go into a 'denial mode' where we only worry instead of studying. Take some time to tell yourself that you have to study no matter what. Coming to terms with yourself prepares you to start studying effectively.

Prepare Yourself Mentally

Written by Lon Washington
2 years ago

Make a Timetable

If the exams are approaching or you want to set aside some time to study regularly, make a time table. Studying for at least 2 hours a day with maximum concentration can help you achieve your study goals. Make a study period in your timetable and during this period shut out all the distractions. Prioritize your study and inform your friends and family to avoid contacting you during your study time. Prepare yourself to study and treat yourself every time you reach a study goal.

Set goals like, you can eat out if you can study 3 chapters today. Stick to the goal and you will achieve it. Make realistic and achievable study goals and don’t try to cram. Learning too much in a day is not learning because at a point you will get bored and will be reading your books without understanding anything.

Written by Opal Medina
2 months ago

Stop When You have To

Our brains are not designed to work like our physical body therefore after a while of studying, we find it hard to focus. To recharge the mind, it needs recreation and involvement in something different.

A study suggests that you should take a 10-minute break after 40 minutes of focused studying to improve concentration while studying. Stopping when you need a break is essential to ensure that your mind gets ample time to reflect on what you have studied.

Written by Don Moss
2 years ago

Change the Subject

Instead of studying 5 chapters of Physics in one day for an upcoming exam, create a study mix. Study one or two chapters or selected topics of different subjects to absorb it effectively. Studying different subjects for shorter periods can also help you recap and consolidate everything instead of confusing it with so many things and ending up not being able to remember or understand much.

Change the Subject

Written by Karen Williamson
1 year ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Concentrate on Studies?

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