Best Ways to Resolve conflict


Identify areas where disagreements happened

Conflict is inevitable. As we meet many people throughout the day, there’s always one or two we might have a clash with. It’s very natural. But always be the bigger man and come forward to resolve a conflict. Talk it out. Focus on the areas of agreement and disagreement. Ask the other person if they agree with your assessment. If there’s something they disagree on, modify your assessment. Work on the areas of conflict together. 

Written by Rosemary Harris
7 months ago

Address that there's a conflict

Whether it’s in your home, workplace, or with friends, addressing conflicts is always uncomfortable and needs a lot of effort. But you can’t resolve conflict without addressing them. So that’s where you need to begin. Ask the other person for a convenient time to meet and talk. Communicate with the people involved in the conflict about how you felt and why you felt so. Hear them out as well. There’s nothing that words cannot mend. 

Written by James Reyes
2 weeks ago

Actively listen

Workplace conflict can be quite troublesome. It’s best to work it out as soon as possible. For a healthy work environment, you will need to work on your conflict management skills. Active listening will be a good place to start. Hear each other out as you sit to discuss the conflict. It’s likely that there have been some misunderstandings or confusion, and only honest communication can help you sort it out. 

Written by Addie Watkins
8 months ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Resolve Conflict?

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