Best Ways to Aerate wine

Aerate wine

Swirl your glass

Swirl your glass

One of the easiest ways to aerate your wine is one most wine drinkers do naturally. If you're drinking an older, more mature wine, it will be able to breathe enough with a simple swirl of your glass. Don't let it breathe too much though; older wines only last about an hour with exposure to the air without turning into vinegar. For younger wines, other techniques may be faster and more effective.

Written by Cameron Chase
3 months ago

Use a Decanter

Decanters are one of the traditional ways to aerate wines. A decanter is a glass or crystal vessel that is broad from the bottom and has a narrow neck. The shape is such to let the wines aerate and breathe easily. You can store and serve your wine directly from a decanter. 

Also, note that it is not the best solution for all the wines, especially Pinot Noir and Chianti. It is more suitable for younger wines. 

Written by Jeremy Colon
10 months ago

Buy an Aerator

An aerator is an instrument that is made just for this purpose. Attach an aerator to the mouth of your wine bottle, and it will increase the velocity of your wine pouring and mixes with the air more quickly. This helps in enhancing the taste and flavor of the wine. This is one of the easiest ways to aerate your wine.

Written by Anna Hansen
5 months ago

Transfer wine from one pitcher to another

This process isn’t as effortless as swirling wines in a red wine glass but useful for younger wines nonetheless. For this method, take two pitchers (lightweight and broad-mouthed) for hassle-free pouring. Pour the required amount of wine in one pitcher, and then from a height that avoids spilling, pour all the contents into another pitcher.

This will give your wines great exposure, as the speed of the fall will ensure more interaction with air. You have to repeat the process several times for younger red wines. This will reduce the breathing time from hours to just a few minutes. Try this about 15 times, and then taste your wine.

Transfer wine from one pitcher to another

Written by Rhonda Luna
1 month ago

Blend your wine

One of the ways to aerate your wines is to blend them. But, this is only for younger wines. Never blend your old wines as it will quickly mature and taste like vinegar, and you don’t want to waste your expensive wines like that! The best way to aerate an old wine is to swirl it in your glass for a few seconds before drinking.

Pour your young wine into a blender or a food processor and let it mix at high speed for 15-20 seconds. It will aerate your wine and improve its taste. Also, it is natural to see bubbles forming in your wine while you blend, so don’t worry about that. 

Blend your wine

Written by Orville Maxwell
1 year ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Aerate Wine?

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