Best Ways to Not be tired


Load up on H2O

When people feel excessively tired, they tend to run down to the nearest coffee shop. Instead, a glass of water could be more helpful. Not staying sufficiently hydrated can floor your energy levels and make you feel fatigued.

If you’re too bored with water’s taste (yes, that’s possible), you can also hydrate with wet foods like soups or yogurt. 

Load up on H2O

Written by Margie Hansen
2 years ago

Take a Break

You can get tired if you are doing the same activity for a longer period of time. Make sure to take ample breaks to recharge your body. If you are sitting in your chair and working on the document that you need to complete, take a break at least every 2 hours to walk, stretch and freshen up. Similarly, if you are deep cleaning the house on a weekend, make sure to take breaks to sit or lie down and relax. You can also have a few snacks to make up for the lost calories. 

Written by William Knox
2 years ago

Drink Water

Water is the healthiest beverage and is essential for your body’s optimal performance. To get rid of stress and tiredness or avoid them, drink a glass of water every hour. Thirsty or not, drinking water throughout the day can improve digestion and aid in several other important body functions. Keep a water bottle handy and sip water frequently. 

Drink Water

Written by Kelvin Ford
1 year ago


Breathing, as simple as it may sound, can make you feel energized.

1.      Inhale slowly, and let your abdomen rise to the count of 4

2.      Hold the air lightly as you count to 4

3.      Exhale slowly as you count to 6, and allow your abdomen to contract

4.      Do this at least 4 times, or as many more times as desired.

Written by Eugene Powell
1 year ago

Exercise More Often

Regular exercise makes our body tougher as it prepares our muscles to take the stress. In the long run, it can help us work for long hours and avoid tiredness or pain. Frequent physical activity boosts the body’s energy supply and improves posture which is essential for not getting tired.

Written by Gloria Watkins
7 months ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Not Be Tired?

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