There is no one thing you can do to boost your immune system, as it is just that - a system. So to keep your body's systems functioning properly, you must eat a healthy diet of at least three servings of fruit and vegetables per day, and exercise at least 30 minutes a day.
Try to refrain from things such as smoking and excessive drinking, as that can weaken your body's systems and make it harder for your body to fight off disease.
Studies have shown that sleep and rest help our bodies heal. When the body is at rest or asleep, induction of several hormones in the body occurs which supports the body’s immune system. When the body is infected with germs, the immune system fights the foreign agents but when the body is healthy, sleep strengthens the body’s immune system.
A study showed that people who slept less than 6 hours a day were more vulnerable to catching a cold as compared to those who slept more than 6 hours every night.
Healthy fats are a good source of Omega-3, and they help boost the immune system. Inflammation occurs in the body due to several factors such as diet, genes, and other environmental factors. Inflammation is responsible for the most commonly known inflammation-associated diseases such as diabetes, atherosclerosis, and neurodegeneration. Consuming healthy fats that consist of Omega 3 fights inflammation in the body, which lowers the chances of developing diseases that have inflammation-component.
To boost the immune system and avoid getting sick, give your body a variety of fluids to keep it hydrated. Our body loses a lot of water every day which makes our body water-deficient.
Water is necessary for healthy body functioning. Hydrate yourself more often and drink warm liquids even when you are not so thirsty. Having warm water, soup, green tea, or meat stew to relieve the cold, or keep it away in winter is a great idea.
Kimchi, pickles, yogurt, sauerkraut, and kefir are the fermented foods that make our digestive system strong. The healthy bacteria are also known as probiotics in these foods stay in our gut. These bacteria fight and kill the pathogens that make their way into our bodies from the food we eat.
The bacterial network in the gut helps our immune system recognize which bacteria are harmful to the body and which bacteria will benefit the body. Eating fermented food therefore has not one but two major benefits to the body.
Vitamins such as vitamin C and vitamin D can help to ward off disease and boost your immune system. There are also multitudes of multivitamins available that can help you to get the nutrients your body needs to keep everything running smoothly.
If you don't want to take pills every day, there are plenty of natural. whole foods you can eat that provide the same nutrients.
Citrus fruits are filled with vitamin C which are great for staving off common illnesses such as the flu and the common cold. You can eat oranges whole as a snack or add a squeeze of lemon to a cup of tea.
Honey is a great food for fighting infection, as it has naturally antibacterial properties. Some believe that local honey can help fight off the flu by providing you with natural antibodies.
Raw garlic is also great for your health, and has been used by ancient civilizations to fight off infections. This is because of its high concentration of compounds that contain sulfur, such as allicin.