Best Ways to Flavor water



It can be difficult to consume water in winters because you don’t feel thirsty. But thirsty or not, hydration is necessary for maintaining good health. If you love oranges, add orange juice to water and make it interesting. You will need a citrus juicer and some oranges. Clean and cut 2 oranges in half. Squeeze them on a citrus juicer and separate the juice.


Pour half a liter of water into a bottle or jug and add the orange juice. You can add a few fresh mint leaves as well. Stir it and enjoy. Use a straw to drink directly from the bottle or pour it into a glass of water.

Written by Noah Morgan
2 years ago

Lemon and Strawberries

Slice strawberries and lemon thinly. Add them to a clear water bottle or your regular water bottle that you would take to work or school. The strawberries and lemon will make the water fruity and tangy. It will not be a strong flavor but it can be appealing and interesting to drink, especially if you find it boring to drink plain water.Lemon and Strawberries

Written by Regina Harding
2 years ago

Cucumber, Lemon, and Mint Water

If you want a low calorie and refreshing glass of water, slice cucumbers and lemons. In a bottle of water, add the sliced cucumber, lemons, and some mint leaves. Stir it and let it stay for an hour. Drink the flavored water throughout the day.

Written by Abigail Davidson
5 months ago


Ginger has several amazing properties that make it the perfect addition to your drinking water. To boost your gut health and help with indigestion, consuming ginger in water is great. Peel the ginger skin and cut it into small pieces or slices. Add a one-inch slice of ginger per glass on water. Let it stay in the fridge overnight. Drink the water the next day. The ginger water can lower blood glucose, decrease inflammation, and soothe sore muscles. It can also lower the risk of developing cancer and other chronic diseases.


Written by Jackson Ramirez
2 years ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Flavor Water?

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