Best Ways to Keep bugs out of garden


Invite birds, toads, and frogs

Insect-feasting animals are your friends. At the top of your garden invitee list should be toads and frogs. Set up a toad house among your greens and wait for a goodfella to occupy the property.

Invite birds, toads, and frogs

Birds have a rather foul reputation when speaking of gardens. While they do nibble away at your fruits, they also gulp down on a good number of insects during the process.

It doesn’t take a lot to attract birds to your garden, just provide them some shelter and a water source – and you’ll have a living vacuum cleaner for insects that destroy your greens.

Written by Jesus Gregory
10 months ago

Allow some wiggle room for the plants

It’s so satisfying to fill the entire area with as many plants as you can fit. However, this might cause some trouble down the road when they grow.

It’s important that your garden gets sufficient air circulation from the breeze every day. Insects and pests love a densely planted area because they can use it as a shelter against heat, and hide among them to keep themselves safe from predators.

They will breed and raise families, and feed on your plants.

So, it’s always good practice to allow your plants some room to breathe.

Written by Miguel Greene
2 years ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Keep Bugs Out of Garden?

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