Best Ways to Make peanut butter


Using a food processor

Peanut butter is pretty easy to make, all you need is a food processor, a few cups of peanuts, and a splash of oil. All other ingredients, such as vanilla, sugar, and salt are entirely optional.

Using a food processor

First, plug your food processor in and add the peanuts. Let the processor run four about five minutes. They will start to crumble, then as the oils in the peanuts start to heat up, they will then form a dry ball. Let run until more of the oils are released and the mixture slowly turns into liquid peanut butter.

You may add some peanut oil or neutral flavored oil to thin out the peanut butter or expedite the peanut butter making process. You may also add a pinch of salt, a splash of vanilla, and some sugar or honey to enhance the flavor. If you like the texture of crunchy peanut butter, stir in some finely chopped peanuts at the end.

Once you're happy with the flavor and texture, you may put your fresh peanut butter in a jar and store in the fridge.

Written by Valerie Parsons
2 months ago

Roast Peanuts

Making peanut butter is extremely easy because the food processor does everything. You can rub the peanuts, blow off the redskin, and put them in the blender to make a smooth paste.

But that’s not it. If you want your peanut butter to taste good, you need to select the highest quality peanuts and roast them well. The fresher the crop, the better it tastes therefore always use fresh peanuts for making peanut butter.

Place them in a shallow pan and let them roast at 350 degrees F for 5-20 minutes or until they look golden to light brown on top. Take them out and shuffle them from time to time.

Throw away the peanuts that could have burned during roasting. Let them cool down completely. If you blend them in a Nutri-blender, the peanuts will release the natural oil and become a paste easily but in a regular blender, you may have to add some peanut oil or olive oil to bring it together.

Roast Peanuts

Written by Sean Wallace
3 weeks ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Make Peanut Butter?

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