Best Ways to Greet in email


Wish for their Health

In the times we're living in today, there's no guarantee whether the person on the receiving end of the email is healthy. There's a chance that someone very close to them might be suffering from COVID-19. Start the email with a small wish for the health of the receiver and for their friends and family. A genuine sign of concern can go a long way to strengthen the relationship between you and the recipient on the email.

Written by Carmen Bennett
1 year ago

Get Personal

A great way to greet someone in an email is to provide personal details. This works exceptionally well when you're sending the first email to someone. Check their social media accounts and LinkedIn to see what they have been recently posting about. For instance, if they won an award recently, start the email by congratulating them on the accomplishment. This will create a great impression in the minds. After all, who doesn't like compliments?

Written by Enrique Barnes
2 weeks ago

Capitalize on the Current Time and Date

Probably the best way to begin an email is to make use of the current day and time. If you're sending an email right after the holidays, New Year, or some other festivities, begin with a small one-liner like "I hope you had fun over the holidays." This can also be done with weekends by simply putting in weekends instead of holidays.

Written by Cecilia Leonard
1 year ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Greet In Email?

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