Best Ways to Cook tofu


Air fry it

As a meat substitute, tofu is often looked down upon due to its texture. Because of its high water content, it can have a pudding-like texture that can put off a lot of people searching for an alternative to red meat. One way to give tofu a crispier texture is by throwing it in the air fryer. Drain and press your tofu before cutting it into small chunks. After cutting it up, season the tofu with your choice of seasoning. Finally, put the tofu in the air fryer for 10-15 minutes at 400 degrees or until it's crispy.

Written by Jose Griffith
4 years ago

Bake it in the oven

Tofu can be a great substitute for meat in your cooking. You only have to figure out what your favorite method for cooking it is. One of the easiest ways to prepare tofu is by baking it in the oven. Take your tofu and drain it in the sink. After draining, press the tofu with paper towels. Some people like pressing it with a heavy book for 20 minutes. Then, soak it in your desired seasoning and chop it into 1-inch chunks. Finally, place them on a baking sheet and bake at 425 degrees until they're browned.

Written by Fredrick Hodge
4 months ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Cook Tofu?

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