Topics tagged cooking

image for topic 'Cook potatoes'
Best Ways to

Cook potatoes

Last answer by Kim Jensen 2 months ago:
As a personal opinion, the very best way to cook potatoes is to double-cook them. These are best made with a bigger, ...
As a personal opinion, the very best way to cook potatoes is to double-cook them. These ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Cook chicken'
Best Ways to

Cook chicken

Last answer by Loretta Burgess 3 weeks ago:
Bake or fry chicken breasts in olive oil with some salt and pepper seasoning. Cut the chicken breasts into small ...
Bake or fry chicken breasts in olive oil with some salt and pepper seasoning. Cut ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Spice up white rice'
Best Ways to

Spice up white rice

Last answer by Opal Medina 2 weeks ago:
I like to throw in all the veggies that I can find lying around the house, that go well with a flavorful rice recipe. ...
I like to throw in all the veggies that I can find lying around the house, that go ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Spice up scrambled eggs'
Best Ways to

Spice up scrambled eggs

Last answer by Kim Jensen 5 months ago:
For an Indian-inspired scrambled eggs recipe, chop some green onions, coriander, and tomatoes. Throw in the vegetables ...
For an Indian-inspired scrambled eggs recipe, chop some green onions, coriander, ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Cook salmon'
Best Ways to

Cook salmon

Last answer by Harry Cole 2 months ago:
If you have a skin-on salmon filet, the simplest way to cook it is in a frying pan. To start, get your frying ...
If you have a skin-on salmon filet, the simplest way to cook it is in a frying pan. To ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Make rice'
Best Ways to

Make rice

Last answer by Stan White 1 month ago:
Once you're comfortable making rice, you have the ratios down and your washing technique is impeccable, you may ...
Once you're comfortable making rice, you have the ratios down and your washing technique ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Grill chicken'
Best Ways to

Grill chicken

Last answer by Sherri Gonzales 2 months ago:
To make the marination for chicken you’ll need: 1 tbsp. lime juice 1 tsp. chili powder 1/2 tsp. cumin 2 tbsp. lime ...
To make the marination for chicken you’ll need: 1 tbsp. lime juice 1 tsp. chili powder 1/2 ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Spice chicken'
Best Ways to

Spice chicken

Last answer by Audrey Benson 3 weeks ago:
To spice up chicken, you can make a blend of Italian chicken seasonings and use it every time you cook chicken. ...
To spice up chicken, you can make a blend of Italian chicken seasonings and use it ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Peel garlic'
Best Ways to

Peel garlic

Last answer by Holly Ferguson 1 week ago:
Separate garlic cloves and lay them on the countertop or your chopping board. Lay the knife flat on the clove and ...
Separate garlic cloves and lay them on the countertop or your chopping board. Lay ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Preserve garlic'
Best Ways to

Preserve garlic

Last answer by Sammy Hawkins 3 months ago:
Buy fresh garlic bulbs. You know it is fresh garlic when the outer skin is white and papery. Avoid buying garlic ...
Buy fresh garlic bulbs. You know it is fresh garlic when the outer skin is white ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Cook sweet potatoes'
Best Ways to

Cook sweet potatoes

Last answer by Marvin King 3 weeks ago:
Preheat the oven on high heat, then cut your sweet potatoes into 2-inch pieces. Chopping them into bite-size pieces ...
Preheat the oven on high heat, then cut your sweet potatoes into 2-inch pieces. Chopping ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Tenderize meat'
Best Ways to

Tenderize meat

Last answer by Jose Griffith 4 months ago:
The best way to tenderize meat is to use a chemical or fruit-based meat tenderizer. If you don’t want to use a ...
The best way to tenderize meat is to use a chemical or fruit-based meat tenderizer. ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Cook broccoli'
Best Ways to

Cook broccoli

Last answer by Nicholas Lewis 7 days ago:
Place the broccoli stems and florets in a microwave-safe dish and pour 2 to 3 tablespoons of water on the top. ...
Place the broccoli stems and florets in a microwave-safe dish and pour 2 to 3 tablespoons ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Make macaroni and cheese'
Best Ways to

Make macaroni and cheese

Last answer by Salvador Sutton 3 months ago:
The most reliable way to make a smooth, delicious mac and cheese is with a bechamel. It sounds fancy, and kind ...
The most reliable way to make a smooth, delicious mac and cheese is with a bechamel. ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Reheat macaroni and cheese'
Best Ways to

Reheat macaroni and cheese

Last answer by Aaron Holman 2 months ago:
The microwave is fast, and it's easy, but it cooks quite unevenly. There will likely be spots that are still cold ...
The microwave is fast, and it's easy, but it cooks quite unevenly. There will likely ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Thaw fish'
Best Ways to

Thaw fish

Last answer by Melody Banks 1 month ago:
Whenever you plan on cooking the fish, always take out the fish from the freezer and leave it in the fridge for ...
Whenever you plan on cooking the fish, always take out the fish from the freezer ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Cook steak'
Best Ways to

Cook steak

Last answer by Earnest Anderson 3 weeks ago:
Before you even get to the cooking part, there are a few steps you need to do in order to get the perfect steak. ...
Before you even get to the cooking part, there are a few steps you need to do in ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Make puff pastry'
Best Ways to

Make puff pastry

Last answer by Michael Zimmerman 2 months ago:
Puff pastry is an incredibly versatile thing. It can be used to make danishes, pie crusts, beef wellingtons, and ...
Puff pastry is an incredibly versatile thing. It can be used to make danishes, pie ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Chop cilantro'
Best Ways to

Chop cilantro

Last answer by Tony Perry 2 years ago:
Depending on what you want cilantro for, you might be able to get away with simply picking it using your fingers. ...
Depending on what you want cilantro for, you might be able to get away with simply ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Thaw frozen chicken'
Best Ways to

Thaw frozen chicken

Last answer by Elisa Hunt 5 months ago:
A few hours before cooking your meal, take your frozen chicken out of the freezer to defrost. You can leave it ...
A few hours before cooking your meal, take your frozen chicken out of the freezer ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Brew tea'
Best Ways to

Brew tea

Last answer by Kim Jensen 3 months ago:
The Tea brewing process can depend on the type of Tea. The usual ratio is one teaspoon to a hot teacup or two teaspoons ...
The Tea brewing process can depend on the type of Tea. The usual ratio is one teaspoon ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Cook tofu'
Best Ways to

Cook tofu

Last answer by Fredrick Hodge 1 month ago:
Tofu can be a great substitute for meat in your cooking. You only have to figure out what your favorite method ...
Tofu can be a great substitute for meat in your cooking. You only have to figure ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Make puffed rice'
Best Ways to

Make puffed rice

Last answer by Orville Hendricks 6 days ago:
For making puffed rice, you will need: - Salt (2 cups) - Par-boiled Rice (as many as desired) In a large skillet, ...
For making puffed rice, you will need: - Salt (2 cups) - Par-boiled Rice (as many ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Hide vegetables in food'
Best Ways to

Hide vegetables in food

Last answer by Pamela Torres 9 months ago:
Cauliflower is a high-volume, low-calorie food with very little taste, so they've become a popular addition for ...
Cauliflower is a high-volume, low-calorie food with very little taste, so they've ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Cook clams'
Best Ways to

Cook clams

Last answer by Gavin Wagner 3 years ago:
A basic way to cook clams is by steaming them. First melt a couple tablespoons of butter in a saucepan and add ...
A basic way to cook clams is by steaming them. First melt a couple tablespoons of ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Make farfalle pasta'
Best Ways to

Make farfalle pasta

Last answer by Sean Walters 6 months ago:
Farfalle, or bowtie, is a wonderful pasta shape that's best suited for cream or tomato-based sauces. One of my ...
Farfalle, or bowtie, is a wonderful pasta shape that's best suited for cream or tomato-bas ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Thaw ground beef'
Best Ways to

Thaw ground beef

Last answer by Martha Patel 1 year ago:
If you forgot to thaw the ground beef the night before, you can thaw it quickly under running water. Place your ...
If you forgot to thaw the ground beef the night before, you can thaw it quickly under ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Cook peas'
Best Ways to

Cook peas

Last answer by Jeanne Young 1 year ago:
Peas are a delicious and healthy addition to any meal. The great thing about them is that they require hardly any ...
Peas are a delicious and healthy addition to any meal. The great thing about them ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Cook pork chops'
Best Ways to

Cook pork chops

Last answer by Erin Schmidt 10 months ago:
Making pork chops in the oven is very easy. I like to cook them in the oven since I can cook the vegetables at ...
Making pork chops in the oven is very easy. I like to cook them in the oven since ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Chop garlic'
Best Ways to

Chop garlic

Last answer by Nicholas English 2 years ago:
The easiest and quickest way to chop garlic is by crushing it. Take the flat side of a largeish kitchen knife and ...
The easiest and quickest way to chop garlic is by crushing it. Take the flat side ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Cook asparagus'
Best Ways to

Cook asparagus

Last answer by Vicky Gordon 6 months ago:
Asparagus is wonderful roasted with just a bit of oil and some herbs if desired. Just preheat your oven to 425 ...
Asparagus is wonderful roasted with just a bit of oil and some herbs if desired. ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Cook dungeness crab'
Best Ways to

Cook dungeness crab

Last answer by Vicky Gordon 1 year ago:
Before you even cook crab, you should pick the right one. Shellfish should be bought as fresh as possible for best ...
Before you even cook crab, you should pick the right one. Shellfish should be bought ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Thaw a frozen turkey'
Best Ways to

Thaw a frozen turkey

Last answer by Kristi Wiggins 11 months ago:
The quickest way to thaw your frozen turkey is to use a handy bucket of cold water. Place your turkey in a cold ...
The quickest way to thaw your frozen turkey is to use a handy bucket of cold water. ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Cook macaroni'
Best Ways to

Cook macaroni

Last answer by Rosemarie Skinner 2 years ago:
Boiling pasta seems easy, but there are many ways that it can be done incorrectly. First, make sure you're adding ...
Boiling pasta seems easy, but there are many ways that it can be done incorrectly. First, ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Thaw steak'
Best Ways to

Thaw steak

No answers yet! You can help! If you know the best way to Thaw Steak please add it!
image for topic 'Cook spadefish'
Best Ways to

Cook spadefish

No answers yet! You can help! If you know the best way to Cook Spadefish please add it!
image for topic 'Make macaroni salad'
Best Ways to

Make macaroni salad

No answers yet! You can help! If you know the best way to Make Macaroni Salad please add it!
image for topic 'Thaw frozen foods'
Best Ways to

Thaw frozen foods

No answers yet! You can help! If you know the best way to Thaw Frozen Foods please add it!
image for topic 'Freeze macaroni and cheese'
Best Ways to

Freeze macaroni and cheese

No answers yet! You can help! If you know the best way to Freeze Macaroni and Cheese please add it!
image for topic 'Cook farfalle'
Best Ways to

Cook farfalle

No answers yet! You can help! If you know the best way to Cook Farfalle please add it!

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