Best Ways to Cook steak


Reverse Sear

A great way to cook a steak is by reverse searing. This ensures tender meat and gives you the most even cooking of all methods. It's called reverse searing because usually a meat will be seared before it's put in the oven, but this method does the opposite.

First, season your steak to the desired temperature. Then, preheat your oven to 200-275 degrees Fahrenheit. The temperature you choose depends on your preference: the higher the temperature, the quicker it will cook, but the lower the temperature, the more evenly it will cook.

Then, simply place your steak on a sheet pan in the oven and cook until the inside registers around 10 degrees lower than your desired doneness. Then, put your steak into a very hot (preferably cast iron) pan with oil and butter to sear and give it a nice crust.

Reverse Sear

Written by Stephen Mcdowell
5 months ago

Let your meat sit

Before you even get to the cooking part, there are a few steps you need to do in order to get the perfect steak. It's actually quite simple. All you have to do is make sure you take your meat out of the fridge about an hour before you plan on cooking it. If you cook the meat while it is still too cold, the heat from your pan won't be able to make it all the way through the middle. Let the meat sit out until it has reached room temperature.

Written by Earnest Anderson
7 months ago

Sous Vide

It requires a fancy tool, and a bit of time, but a surefire way to get the perfect steak is to use the sous vide method. Sous vide basically means that you're putting what you want to cook in a bag and letting it sit in temperature-controlled water so that it cooks perfectly with no chance of over or undercooking.

First, you'll need an immersion circulator. They cost upwards of $100 on average. Then, get the steak you'd like to cook and pat it dry with a paper towel and rub it with salt and your desired seasonings. Then place it in a freezer bag and push out as much air as possible. You can also vacuum-seal it if you have a vacuum-seal machine. Double-bag to ensure there is no leakage.

Then, place your bagged meat into a pot filled with water and clip your immersion circulator to the side. Set the circulator to your desired temperature, 130 F for medium rare, 150 for medium well, and 160+ for well done. Let it circulate for a couple of hours until the steak is cooked all the way through.

Once done, it will be grey and sort of pallid, so you'll want to give it a sear in a cast-iron pan with a bit of butter and oil. Set the pan to very hot and sear it on both sides to improve the look and give it a delicious crust.

Sous Vide

Written by Mack Boyd
1 year ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Cook Steak?

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