Best Ways to Clean padlocks


Properly lubricate the inside

How does a padlock work? With a key, that has an unique arrangement of metal patterns that rotates the gears inside the lock. In order for a lock to properly work, these gears need to rotate without any interference. Because of long term use, these internal gears may get stuck because of dust and rust. Using a Graphite lube is the best solution for lubricating the gears. Simply put one or two drops in the key-hole and repeatedly enter and pull out the key from the hole. Every time wipe out the debris from the key and the hole.

Written by Lacey Mcdonald
1 month ago

Use microfiber cloth

Padlocks are commonly used for locking establishment main gates. They are very popular for their convenience and durability. Because of such high durability, people tend to use them for long term such as 10 years or more. But like all other things in the world, a padlock also needs to be maintained and clean regularly. Cleaning a lock is simple. You can use a microfiber or a damp piece of cloth. You can add a mild detergent soup for effectiveness but do not use chemicals. It will damage the lock.

Written by Dorothy White
3 weeks ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Clean Padlocks?

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