Best Ways to Keep photos


Back-up to an external hard drive

Back-up to an external hard drive

Make sure your images are not stored in only one place such as your computer, laptop, and smartphone, etc. duplicating the content periodically to a hard drive is something to consider.

Whenever the word “external hard drive” is used most people will immediately think of a stand-alone SATA hard drive that is connected via a USB cable to your laptop or computer. Well, those are perfectly fine as they are cheaper and offer a lot of space such that in terabytes(1TB = 100GBs). However, SSDs are now more preferable as they are more stable and faster but with one major drawback that they are very costly.

Written by Miguel Greene
9 months ago

Use Google photos

If you're looking for a way to keep your photos stored online, use the free storage provided to you by your Google account! Google photos keeps your phots stored online so that you can access them from any device. It's also a great way to free up space on your phone. Upload your photos into Google photos and then delete them from your phone. Your Google app will keep them easily accessible, but they won't take up as much space.

Written by Alan Vega
11 months ago

Print them out

If you want a physical memento of your memories, printing your pictures out can be a great way to make sure you always have a physical copy. There are many ways to keep your photos organized once you print them. Many people like the versatility of using photo albums. Using an album keeps your photos organized, safe and you can easily look through them at any time. You can also use decorative photo boxes to store your pictures or put them in frames and display them in your home.

Written by Muriel Aguilar
2 months ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Keep Photos?

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