Best Ways to Be happy


Take care of you

In the craziness and chaos of everyday life, it can be hard to remind ourselves to slow down and take care of ourselves. Many of us have fallen victim to forgetting to eat a meal, skipping our morning routine to do other things or even losing sleep trying to get more time out of our days. However, self care should be a part of our everyday routines. Take a moment in the mornings to journal and have some quiet time. If you crave exercise, make time to go to the gym or even go for a walk. Remember to keep yourself hydrated and fed. Taking care of yourself will give you the tools to tackle your day head on.

Written by Luis Crawford
2 months ago

Listen to yourself

Stress can come from a lot of outside sources. It always seems that there are people who will always have an opinion on what you do, what you don’t do and everything else in between. It’s important to remind yourself that you don’t have to listen to any of that. Their opinion is not the one that matters. As long as you are happy with your decisions, that is all that matters. Listen to your intuition and ignore all the noise.

Written by Frederick Taylor
7 months ago

Do what makes you happy

This one sounds like an easy one, but it can be a lot harder than you think. Oftentimes, we find ourselves doing things because it will make other people happy. If you’re a people pleaser, it can be extremely hard to re-center that thought process back towards pleasing yourself. However, it’s something that you have to do in order to put your happiness first. Do things that will contribute to your happiness and your growth.

Written by George Cervantes
2 years ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Be Happy?

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