Best Ways to Speed up windows 10


Disable Startup Programs

A lot of times, your OS is going to slow down simply because it has to load up a lot of programs at the startup. Adobe programs, Google Drive/Dropbox, Steam, Spotify, productivity apps like Microsoft Teams, Slack, etc. always open on startup. To prevent them from opening up automatically, go to Task Manager > Startup and disable any program that shouldn't launch when you turn on your computer. This will significantly improve your experience and result in quicker boot times.

Written by Nicholas Adams
1 month ago

Invest in an SSD

An SSD (Solid State Drive) is a much faster version of the hard drives that we're used to seeing on our devices. An SSD is capable of much faster loading times that allow your windows and other programs to boot up much quicker. Even if you're using an old laptop or PC, installing an SSD will be a game-changer for your device. On average, an SSD can perform 100 times better than a standard 7200 RPM hard drive.

Written by Damian Hicks
2 years ago

Disable animations and visual effects

The glamour and grace of Windows 10 lie in its visual aesthetics and eye-catching animations Microsoft has integrated into the OS. These visuals don't take any time at all to load up on modern computers. But, on some outdated systems, they could really slow down your experience. To disable them, type sysdm.cpl in the search box and press Enter. This will take you to a separate dialogue box. Click on Advanced Tab and go to setting. Here you'll see a full list of all the enabled animations on your system. Select the "Adjust for Best Performance" option from the list and press "OK." This will turn off most of the animations slowing down your PC.

Written by Geraldine Barnett
9 months ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Speed Up Windows 10?

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