Best Ways to Spread awareness



Make wristbands, caps, t-shirts, etc., and distribute them free of cost (if you have the funds) or charge a nominal price. Make sure you use bright colors and solid, bold fonts that catch people’s attention easily. Try to use tantalizing statements with a hint of wit so the readers remember your message for longer.

Written by Travis Sullivan
2 years ago

Come up with a viral video challenge

Who doesn’t remember the Ice Bucket Challenge? Get creative and see if you can come up with a challenge that has the potential to take the world by storm.

I know, it’s easier said than done. But imagine if you actually pulled it off. You will manage to spread more awareness than any other method and in a very short time.

Written by Ginger Ramos
7 months ago

Fundraising events

Do it alone, or with a group of like-minded individuals who are equally enthusiastic about working towards your cause. It could be a sporting event or an art exhibition. When you bring together people at events where they meet in person and interact with each other about your cause, it helps build a community of people who are willing to further your cause.

So, fundraising events are not good only for raising funds, but also for spreading awareness around your cause. 

Written by Sheryl Gray
1 month ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Spread Awareness?

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