Best Ways to Organize a closet


Use the one in, one out rule

Even best organizational efforts can end up with a massive heap of outdated, ill-fitting, and unloved clothes at the end of every year or even season if you are a shopping addict.

What should you do then?

What you do is adopt a simple rule called the “One in, one out” policy. It is simply what it just sounds like. For every new item brought in, you get rid of another. Got a fresh leather jacket? Let go of that old T-shirt you haven’t worn in two years.

It is easy, simple, and ensures collection never gets too large.

Written by Damian Hicks
1 year ago

Declutter and throw things out

Before you can even organize your closet into a cohesive space, you need to sort your things into two categories: things you actually use and things you should probably donate. Throw out anything you haven't worn recently; chances are you aren't going to wear it any time soon. Once you get your closet down to the things you actually use, it will be much easier to sort your items into sections that will make more sense to you.

Written by Willie Fisher
1 year ago

Sort everything

Your closet won't make any sense to you if your sweaters and your cropped tanks are all mixed together. Sort every item into its own section. You can take things a step further and sort within these sections: by color, how often you wear them, etc. It just has to make sense to you. You can also group things by season. This will make it easier for you to transition your wardrobe from summer to winter and vice versa.

Written by Ruby Nash
1 year ago

Use specific hangers

This sounds like a stupid little detail, but it makes a huge difference. Using only one type of hanger helps mentally when you walk into your closet to choose your outfit. Having different colors and types of hangers can be overwhelming for your brain. It makes choosing an outfit feel frustrating. It also just looks much nicer when you use just one kind of hanger. The best hangers are the felt ones; they will keep your clothes from sliding off flimsy hangers and ending up on the floor. Use specific hangers

Written by Alberta Fox
4 years ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Organize a Closet?

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