Best Ways to Manage time


Establish deadlines

Setting up deadlines for yourself will help you focus and be more efficient. When you are setting deadlines, you may also come across potential bottlenecks you may face while performing those tasks. This enables you to plan for such bottlenecks so you don’t waste time figuring things out while you’re doing the task. This will eliminate unproductive time, which you can use for more productive tasks.

Written by Glen Bridges
1 year ago

Eat the Frog First

Frog in the morning refers to that ugly chore or task that you don’t want to do because you don’t like it or it's too hard. If you can eat the frog first or do the hardest thing first, the rest of the tasks will be easy and won’t be a problem to complete. It can also give you ample time to relax and spend on doing other activities. 

Written by Ada Matthews
4 months ago

Establish deadlines

Setting up deadlines for yourself will help you focus and be more efficient. When you are setting deadlines, you may also come across potential bottlenecks you may face while performing those tasks. This enables you to plan for such bottlenecks so you don’t waste time figuring things out while you’re doing the task. This will save you plenty of unproductive time.

Written by Ginger Ramos
1 year ago

Discover When are you the Most Productive

There is always a specific time of the day when you are getting things done quickly. This period is what you need to utilize effectively for the most important job. If you have a task that requires attention, and focus, do it during this period.

I personally like to do the chores that need more attention on the weekend evening because evenings are peaceful when I have exercised, eaten, and cleaned the house. Find out what is the right time during the day to work for you. Schedule the tasks that require focus during this period.

Discover When are you the Most Productive

Written by Eugene Shaw
3 days ago

Take short breaks

Taking up one task after the other makes it harder for you to stay motivated and focused. When you finish a task, give yourself a few minutes to hit the refresh button before jumping on to the next task. Your source of refreshment could be anything from a cup of Joe to a 10-minute meditation session. Doing this will help perform the subsequent tasks more effectively. This will boost your overall productivity and save you a good deal of time.

Take short breaks

Written by Vicky Zamora
3 months ago

Wake Up Early

Waking up early in the morning makes your day longer so that you have more time to get things done. Your body requires only 6-8 hours of sleep and anything more than that is the time wasted. Some people do wake up on time but they waste their morning by lying in bed for longer, walking around the house, and being lazy.

To get rid of laziness in the morning do a quick exercise or go for a walk. A 20 minutes’ workout or cardio can improve your performance so that you can be more productive during the day.

Written by Darnell Bryant
4 weeks ago

Do not Compromise the Quality

When you have too many things in your schedule it is easy to compromise the quality. Do not try to do too many things at once. Use your entire focus to get one task done at once. Break the hour into small parts and set a few minutes for each. If the pan is on the stove and you have to take it off in 20 minutes, remove it. You can cook later when you are done doing what’s important. Don’t divide your focus.

Written by Mathew Kelly
7 months ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Manage Time?

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