Best Ways to Beat winter depression


Spend time with your loved ones

Social interaction protects you from all kinds of depression and stress. It lowers stress hormones and your blood pressure as well. I know that the times are difficult due to COVID-19 but if your friend or a relative is one block away, go meet them. But do not forget to warm up as we have to take care of physical health as well.

If you can’t see your loved ones, try communicating with them. They are sometimes a call or text away. If you want to write a letter to them, do it, if you want to have coffee with them, do it. You can address your underlying mental health issues and get help from your loved ones. 

Written by Antonia Lyons
1 year ago

Light therapy

Research suggests that 50 to 80 percent of individuals suffering from winter depression get partial or complete relief through bright light therapy. Bright light therapy involves sitting close to a lightbox for 30 minutes every day from the beginning of autumn to the end of winter.

Ensure that the lights fitted in your lightbox are UV-filtered so they don’t harm you. The most effective type of light you can use is light towards the blue end of the spectrum. 

Written by Rosemary Harris
1 year ago


There are hardly any mental health ailments that meditation cannot solve. Studies suggest that by relaxing your mind and body through stimulating melatonin levels, meditation can boost the activity in your brain’s left prefrontal cortex. The prefrontal cortex is the part of the brain associated with happiness. Simultaneously, meditation also suppresses activity in the stress-linked regions of the brain. 


Written by Sarah James
2 weeks ago

Boost your mood with your favorite snacks

Eating can lift your mood in seconds. Most people do not eat in the winter season due to the fear of gaining weight. Little do they know that consuming healthy foods, such as protein in dinner, lunch, and breakfast can enhance mood and prevent sugar cravings instantly.

As we do not get much sunlight in the winter season, it is best to consume foods rich in vitamin D such as orange juice, milk, and breakfast cereal. These food sources help to alleviate winter blues. Boost your mood with your favorite snacks

Written by Holly Ferguson
4 months ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Beat Winter Depression?

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