Best Ways to Organize legos


The bin method

The bin method is more of a storage method than an organizer method. But as a parent who might not have a lot of time to separate it and keep it in different boxes. At the end of the day when you are cleaning the room, it is easier to just stuff all your legos in one place in a bin. Although, this method makes it harder to find that one piece that will go with your lego set.

The bin method

Written by Crystal Allen
5 months ago

Sort by color

Legos are one of those toys that are a ton of fun, but a pain to keep track of. With so many little pieces of varying shapes, sizes and colors, it’s no wonder that so many pieces get lost in your home. While building lego sets, kids usually recognize the pieces by size and color. An easy way to make this process easier for them is by sorting legos into containers categorized by color.

Written by Matthew Carlson
3 months ago

Containers with dividers

You can use multi-drawer cabinets or tackle boxes to divide your lego sets into different compartments. You can keep one set of drawers for gears, another for technic pins, etc. This method is simple and efficient and you can easily find your pieces because it is arranged properly.

Written by Rosemary Harris
2 years ago

Sort by shape

This is one of the best ways of organizing legos. The human can distinguish between colors more easily than distinguishing between shapes. So, keep all your same-sized legos in one container. Now, when you are creating a lego set, you can easily pick the same colors of different sizes from various compartments.

Written by Julie Oneill
3 months ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Organize Legos?

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