Best Ways to Manage epilepsy


Change your diet

The best diet to manage epilepsy is the ketogenic diet as it focuses on consuming a higher ratio of healthy fats. It is a low-protein, low-carb diet. The eating patterns in a ketogenic diet decrease seizures, however, doctors do not know why.

Children with epilepsy often follow a ketogenic diet but many of them find the eating restrictions challenging. It also complements other methods to reduce episodes. Maintaining a ketogenic diet reduced my seizures within 5 months.

Written by Joe Barber
7 months ago

Go for acupuncture or chiropractic care

Acupuncture and chiropractic care are considered great treatments to manage epilepsy. Practitioners place needless in specific parts of your body so it can heal. According to the Chinese, it eases chronic pain and eliminates other diseases.

Acupunctures reduces brain activity, which results in fewer epilepsy episodes. It changes autonomic dysfunction and increases parasympathetic tone to control seizures.

Similarly, spinal manipulations in chiropractic therapy heal the body. Many chiropractors use hand manipulations to control brain activity. Ultimately, reducing seizures. Go for acupuncture or chiropractic care

Written by Janis Malone
3 weeks ago

Stay active

Doing a set of aerobic exercises daily can help you improve your health, mood, and overall self-esteem. It may also help reduce the frequency of seizures that you experience.

You could also just take a walk in the neighborhood or work outdoors if that’s your jam. However, avoid activities like rock climbing, swimming, and contact sports because in case you have a seizure doing any one of those – that’s a problem. 

Written by Rick Simon
1 year ago

Use herbal treatments

Some natural herbs that have helped me to reduce my epilepsy episodes are valerian, mugwort, mistletoe, groundsel, and burning bush. These herbs are included in Japanese, Chinese, Indian, and Kamp ayurvedic medicines. As they have shown great results in managing epilepsy, more and more people are considering using them.

However, I am not sure about the side effects and disadvantages. I haven’t suffered any side effects so far. But one time I became nauseous because of the burning bush’s smell.

Written by Candace Hill
3 weeks ago

Get enough sack time

Fatigue is often the culprit that triggers a seizure, so it’s critical you get enough sleep. Set a bedtime and a time to wake up, and follow it religiously. If your work doesn’t allow doing this, discuss an alternative strategy with your supervisor. 

Written by Erica Burgess
7 months ago


Epilepsy is no joke. It is a neurological disorder that causes abnormal behavior. Epilepsy can be a serious barrier in life. Especially when it is frequent and the seizures are too powerful to control. In this case you can always contact your doctor. Other things you can do are meditation and talking about your medicine regularly. Medication is very effective. Not only can it deal with seizure of epilepsy but also it can make you strong enough to get over it.

Written by Joe Barber
1 month ago

Regular contact with doctors

Mild or serious disease, it is always a wise decision to keep in touch with your doctor and pay regular visits to them. Your doctor will keep track of your pattern of epilepsy. He will be able to determine what triggers epilepsy in your brain and provide medication and medicine for it and develop treatments on the basis of your condition. One problem about epilepsy is it is quite difficult to tell if you are suffering from epilepsy or not because it is a neurological disorder. So keeping in contact with your doctor will help you get out of it.

Written by Julie Oneill
9 months ago

Connect with people who have epilepsy

WHO estimates that almost 50 million people across the globe have epilepsy. Connect with this large community and see if there are any support groups in your region. Share your stories, discuss coping methods, and try to make friends – all of these will help you improve your mood and deal with the feeling of being isolated.

Written by Ryan Allen
7 months ago

Maintain self-control

I reduce the rate of seizures by controlling my brain activity. I can detect symptoms before the seizure. Therefore, I stop it but it is not the case every time. I experience all the symptoms 20 minutes before the seizure. I usually see strange lights, unusual smells, and sometimes even a blurry vision. Other symptoms include fatigue, depression, headache, and anxiety.

There are several methods to control my seizures such as walking, meditating, and sniffing a strong odor. Meditating and sniffing a strong odor works for me. 

Written by Earl Griffin
6 months ago

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