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April Garrett

Using humane traps

While classic spring-loaded mousetraps and glue traps seem like the easiest option, you may want to consider using a humane trap. Glue traps cause the mice extreme stress and they may cause enough damage that the mouse eventually dies. Mousetraps also sometimes don't kill the mouse right away, leaving it to either slowly suffocate or starve.

There are traps that come in the form of cages with bait, that close automatically once the bait is tampered with. They're usually around ten dollars and can be reused again and again, making them not only more humane, but also more cost-effective if you have major mouse problem.

Wallpaper or Wall Mural

The wallpapers or murals can become the source of color in your room. If you are a fan of art, horses, or your little one likes avengers, a mural of your choice can be great for decorating the room. The aesthetic appearance of the solid colors from the mural will add a touch of style and durability to the walls of your room.

Wallpaper or Wall Mural


This super-spice is an effective tool for detoxifying the liver. Consuming turmeric boosts enzymes that flush the dietary toxins out of your body.

Take half a teaspoon of turmeric and a dash of pepper. Mix these in a glass of lukewarm water and have it first thing in the morning.


Track Your Expenses

There are a number of budgeting tools and saving apps that let you track your spending and inform you that you are overspending when you reach the limit. When you are on a strict budget and are trying to save for a new car, a holiday trip or to invest, keep your goals in mind whenever you stumble across the Instagram ads. Keep checking your budgeting app to see your progress.

Cook for Him

Now, this is for partners who don’t cook very often. Those who already cook for their husbands all the time, cooking their favorite meal once again won’t surprise them. But, if your culinary skills are amazing, surprise your husband with his favorite dish. Ideally, you should be cooking when he’s not home and knows that you’ll be eating together. Invest your time and energy to make the dish perfectly the way he likes.

Cook for Him

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