Topics tagged love

image for topic 'Get over a breakup'
Best Ways to

Get over a breakup

Last answer by Sonia Harris 2 months ago:
Music uplifts your mood, which is why it is considered one of the best post-parting essentials. Whether you find ...
Music uplifts your mood, which is why it is considered one of the best post-parting ...
Answers: 7
image for topic 'Flirt in person'
Best Ways to

Flirt in person

Last answer by Debra Bridges 3 weeks ago:
When you first meet someone, you must be respectful of their personal space. Once you start to get to know someone ...
When you first meet someone, you must be respectful of their personal space. Once ...
Answers: 7
image for topic 'End a relationship'
Best Ways to

End a relationship

Last answer by Glenn Reynolds 2 weeks ago:
Pick a time and place that allows you and the person you are about to leave some privacy from. Don't break up with ...
Pick a time and place that allows you and the person you are about to leave some ...
Answers: 7
image for topic 'Surprise your girlfriend'
Best Ways to

Surprise your girlfriend

Last answer by Stephen Mcdowell 1 week ago:
It may sound like something that happens only in the movies but trust me, no woman on earth has ever disliked flowers ...
It may sound like something that happens only in the movies but trust me, no woman ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Call a girl cute'
Best Ways to

Call a girl cute

Last answer by Ramona Terry 1 month ago:
Women fall for gentlemen hands down. The man who holds the door for her pulls out a chair for her, and offers his ...
Women fall for gentlemen hands down. The man who holds the door for her pulls out ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Surprise your husband'
Best Ways to

Surprise your husband

Last answer by Ruth Clark 2 weeks ago:
This is so traditional! But that’s what makes it unexpected. This might take you a while though. You’re going to ...
This is so traditional! But that’s what makes it unexpected. This might take you ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Propose during covid'
Best Ways to

Propose during covid

Last answer by Alexis Dorsey 11 hours ago:
If you like to play instruments, propose with a song. Write a song for her that shows how much you love her. A ...
If you like to play instruments, propose with a song. Write a song for her that shows ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Flirt with your boyfriend'
Best Ways to

Flirt with your boyfriend

Last answer by Ana Munoz 2 months ago:
A great way to flirt with your boyfriend is to be a little mysterious. There is a clear difference between being ...
A great way to flirt with your boyfriend is to be a little mysterious. There is a ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Surprise your boyfriend'
Best Ways to

Surprise your boyfriend

Last answer by Estella Barrett 1 month ago:
Treating him like a King means saying yes to whatever he says. On a weekend or a day when you want to surprise ...
Treating him like a King means saying yes to whatever he says. On a weekend or a ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Surprise your wife'
Best Ways to

Surprise your wife

Last answer by Leo Cross 5 months ago:
If you want to surprise your wife with something simple and interesting, leave her small notes that are a puzzle ...
If you want to surprise your wife with something simple and interesting, leave her ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Propose to your girlfriend'
Best Ways to

Propose to your girlfriend

Last answer by Bruce Stone 2 weeks ago:
This proposal idea is simple and low-key but if your girlfriend is a private person who cherishes your company ...
This proposal idea is simple and low-key but if your girlfriend is a private person ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Flirt online'
Best Ways to

Flirt online

Last answer by Eddy Fuller 2 months ago:
When you are into someone, you might think about them all day and send them texts every 20 minutes. However, this ...
When you are into someone, you might think about them all day and send them texts ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Flirt on snap'
Best Ways to

Flirt on snap

Last answer by Harry Cole 3 weeks ago:
The fewer pictures and videos you share with the person, the better. No one wants to see 10 photos of unknown people ...
The fewer pictures and videos you share with the person, the better. No one wants ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Date without apps'
Best Ways to

Date without apps

Last answer by Candy Porter 1 month ago:
Staying away from people and living under a rock significantly decreases your chances of finding that special someone. ...
Staying away from people and living under a rock significantly decreases your chances ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Compliment a girl over text'
Best Ways to

Compliment a girl over text

Last answer by Audrey Benson 3 weeks ago:
When you barely text this girl, giving her too many compliments at once will make her uncomfortable. Compliments ...
When you barely text this girl, giving her too many compliments at once will make ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Text a girl'
Best Ways to

Text a girl

Last answer by Cornelia Reed 2 months ago:
Don't go for the old "text her after three days" regime that we so commonly hear in movies and teen TV shows. If ...
Don't go for the old "text her after three days" regime that we so commonly hear ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Compliment someone'
Best Ways to

Compliment someone

Last answer by Janelle Lopez 5 months ago:
Compliments that are genuine and positive help improve a person’s mental health and are crucial for building long-term ...
Compliments that are genuine and positive help improve a person’s mental health and ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Express love'
Best Ways to

Express love

Last answer by Jose Griffith 2 months ago:
People are often guilty of taking their loved ones for granted because they forget to appreciate and compliment ...
People are often guilty of taking their loved ones for granted because they forget ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Flirt with a girl in person'
Best Ways to

Flirt with a girl in person

Last answer by Grace Austin 1 month ago:
Women hate compliments that compare them or insult them. A compliment that insults her kind, race, gender, or anything ...
Women hate compliments that compare them or insult them. A compliment that insults ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Win your girlfriend over'
Best Ways to

Win your girlfriend over

Last answer by Pat Coleman 1 month ago:
Pursuing the woman does not mean following, stalking, and spooking. If you really want to win her heart, keep trying ...
Pursuing the woman does not mean following, stalking, and spooking. If you really ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Propose on the beach'
Best Ways to

Propose on the beach

Last answer by Stan Jones 1 month ago:
Hire a sailboat and sailor to take her on a water adventure to see how beautiful the sun looks when its sets on ...
Hire a sailboat and sailor to take her on a water adventure to see how beautiful ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Propose to a man'
Best Ways to

Propose to a man

Last answer by Robin Walker 1 month ago:
If you want to take things into your own hands and ask the big question, get a ring box and place a paper with ...
If you want to take things into your own hands and ask the big question, get a ring ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Propose at home'
Best Ways to

Propose at home

Last answer by Julie Oneill 1 year ago:
Throw a surprise party for your partner and invite their friends and family. Make sure you do something extra by ...
Throw a surprise party for your partner and invite their friends and family. Make ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Compliment your girlfriend'
Best Ways to

Compliment your girlfriend

Last answer by Ignacio Wells 6 months ago:
Sincere compliments are more impactful than an exaggerated compliment. For example, don’t say, “You’re the prettiest ...
Sincere compliments are more impactful than an exaggerated compliment. For example, ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Hug a guy'
Best Ways to

Hug a guy

Last answer by Jodi Stark 1 month ago:
If the guy you are hugging is just a guy friend, you should not give them intimate hugs. Hugging them for longer ...
If the guy you are hugging is just a guy friend, you should not give them intimate ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Propose'
Best Ways to


Last answer by Floyd Owens 2 months ago:
This is a moment that you and your better half are going to talk about for the rest of your life, so don’t be in ...
This is a moment that you and your better half are going to talk about for the rest ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Surprise your boyfriend on his birthday'
Best Ways to

Surprise your boyfriend on his birthday

Last answer by Rosemary Mack 3 weeks ago:
Coming home to a candlelit dinner is an amazing birthday surprise, especially if your boyfriend likes to spend ...
Coming home to a candlelit dinner is an amazing birthday surprise, especially if ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Say goodnight to your girlfriend'
Best Ways to

Say goodnight to your girlfriend

Last answer by Alex Bush 1 year ago:
My girlfriend uses Instagram and TikTok before sleeping and I surprise her every night with a sweet good night ...
My girlfriend uses Instagram and TikTok before sleeping and I surprise her every ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Compliment a guy'
Best Ways to

Compliment a guy

Last answer by Constance White 1 month ago:
Many men have a habit of solving problems, supporting, and helping their female counterparts or friends. Next time ...
Many men have a habit of solving problems, supporting, and helping their female counterpar ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Surprise your husband with pregnancy'
Best Ways to

Surprise your husband with pregnancy

Last answer by Nicholas Adams 2 years ago:
Want your actions to do the talking for you? Just wear a T-Shirt! Custom printed t-shirts are a phenomenal idea ...
Want your actions to do the talking for you? Just wear a T-Shirt! Custom printed ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Hug your boyfriend'
Best Ways to

Hug your boyfriend

Last answer by Dorothy Branch 2 years ago:
An unexpected back hug can feel comforting and satisfying. If your boyfriend is working, tired or just sitting ...
An unexpected back hug can feel comforting and satisfying. If your boyfriend is working, ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Snuggle'
Best Ways to


Last answer by Clarence Black 4 months ago:
There is probably not a single soul who was not heard of spooning. It is just so good. While it is usually the ...
There is probably not a single soul who was not heard of spooning. It is just so ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Say i love you'
Best Ways to

Say i love you

Last answer by Glenda Meyer 10 months ago:
"I love you" has a sacred feeling attached to it. These three words mean a lot more than people realize. It doesn't ...
"I love you" has a sacred feeling attached to it. These three words mean a lot more ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Date during covid'
Best Ways to

Date during covid

Last answer by Glen Bridges 3 years ago:
We have more dating routes now than we have ever had in human history. Apps and websites are a great way to meet ...
We have more dating routes now than we have ever had in human history. Apps and websites ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Ask a girl to be your girlfriend'
Best Ways to

Ask a girl to be your girlfriend

Last answer by Dolores Wallace 8 months ago:
If you want a girl to like and appreciate your sentiments, you have to explain to her what you feel. Tell her the ...
If you want a girl to like and appreciate your sentiments, you have to explain to ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Greet your crush'
Best Ways to

Greet your crush

Last answer by Irvin Jackson 8 months ago:
The easiest way to get a girl to be comfortable with you is through compliments. Girls treasure compliments and ...
The easiest way to get a girl to be comfortable with you is through compliments. ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Flirt over text'
Best Ways to

Flirt over text

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