Topics tagged cure

image for topic 'Help a sore throat'
Best Ways to

Help a sore throat

Last answer by Jana Klein 2 days ago:
Staying hydrated is the most crucial part of treating a sore throat. A dehydrated body is unable to produce enough ...
Staying hydrated is the most crucial part of treating a sore throat. A dehydrated ...
Answers: 8
image for topic 'Recuperate from flu'
Best Ways to

Recuperate from flu

Last answer by Alexis Dorsey 3 months ago:
When you get sick with the flu, you are likely to experience a variety of symptoms, including a fever. When you ...
When you get sick with the flu, you are likely to experience a variety of symptoms, ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Cure a hangover'
Best Ways to

Cure a hangover

Last answer by Ruth Clark 7 months ago:
Treating a hangover by drinking the same thing seems weird. However, there’s some amazing science behind it. Drinking ...
Treating a hangover by drinking the same thing seems weird. However, there’s some ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Detox your liver'
Best Ways to

Detox your liver

Last answer by April Garrett 10 months ago:
This super-spice is an effective tool for detoxifying the liver. Consuming turmeric boosts enzymes that flush the ...
This super-spice is an effective tool for detoxifying the liver. Consuming turmeric ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Kill poison ivy'
Best Ways to

Kill poison ivy

Last answer by Noah Morgan 2 months ago:
Rinsing your skin with warm soapy water or rubbing alcohol within about an hour after touching the poison ivy can ...
Rinsing your skin with warm soapy water or rubbing alcohol within about an hour after ...
Answers: 3

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