This beach proposal idea is always super chic and romantic. Take your partner to the beach in the evening when the moon is bright to propose. Ask a friend to make a large heart on the sand with flameless candles. Take a walk on the shore to stumble upon the heart made with candles. Take her inside the heart and propose to her.
When you have composed your shot with the elements and lightning that you want, there is one final thing you should do before you press the shutter down. Adjust the camera’s exposure level. Exposure simply refers to the brightness of the image. The main exposure problem that comes with food photography is that white plates and backgrounds can appear overexposed and become too bright with no visible detail.
To avoid over-exposure, you should expose the highlights. This means that you set the exposure levels so that you can see some detail in the brightest area of the scene.
Once inspiration strikes, you don't want to miss it. Millions of great ideas have been lost to the world because somebody forgot to write it down, or thought "I can remember that" and forgot it forever.
Having a notebook not only lets you draft and sketch ideas immediately once you get them, but having that tool at arm's reach also means that you'll be more aware and finding inspiration when/where you normally would've missed it. Having a log of all your ideas, good and bad, is also a great tool because then you can look back on them with fresh eyes at any time.
Bunnies are gentle animals. To gain their trust, you will have to be patient. When you approach them for the first time, make your hands visible and do not move. Sometimes bunnies can get anxious if the person in front of them looks dangerous. Then sit with them and pet them on the areas they love. You can try putting the bunny on its shoulder, cheeks, and head and behind the ears softly. If you see them enjoying, keep on doing it and feed them something. It will be good way to bond with them.
Try out Big Oven. It is an exciting tool that helps your recipes in both written and video forms. You can also upload your own recipes and share with friends. Another feature that I love is managing the grocery list. You can pick any mix of ingredients and the tool will suggest a recipe you can prepare with it.
Have you heard of the winter blues? Well, they happen for a reason. Science seems to think it is because of the reduced duration of daylight.
Getting sunshine can help increase the levels of serotonin in your body, and the on-going research suggests that your skin might be synthesizing serotonin.
To boost your serotonin levels using sunshine:
· Aim to spend a minimum of 10 to 15 minutes every day outside in the sunlight.
· Ideally, take your exercise routine outdoors, because exercise is another serotonin booster. Combined with sunlight, you may start to feel some tangible improvement in your serotonin levels.
However, be sure to put on sunscreen.
Vitamin C, one of the most important vitamins, is not produced in the human body and must be obtained through external sources.
Vitamin C also plays a critical role in protecting your skin and the creation of collagen in your body.
In fact, you’ll find Vitamin C as a component in many protective creams.
To increase your Vitamin C intake and consequently collagen production, consume citrus fruits, papaya, green leafy vegetables, broccoli, strawberries, etc.