Topics tagged photography

image for topic 'Photograph food'
Best Ways to

Photograph food

Last answer by Glenda Reese 1 month ago:
There are only so many angles for photographing food. Nevertheless, you want it to be a conscious decision. The ...
There are only so many angles for photographing food. Nevertheless, you want it to ...
Answers: 13
image for topic 'Pose for pictures'
Best Ways to

Pose for pictures

Last answer by Angela Olson 4 months ago:
Do a quick scan of the area and ensure to remove anything that diverts the focus from you. If the background is ...
Do a quick scan of the area and ensure to remove anything that diverts the focus ...
Answers: 8
image for topic 'Photograph lightning'
Best Ways to

Photograph lightning

Last answer by Julie Walsh 2 months ago:
Shooting a streak of lightning looks amazing, but it does not tell us anything else from the picture. Create a ...
Shooting a streak of lightning looks amazing, but it does not tell us anything else ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Photograph jeans'
Best Ways to

Photograph jeans

Last answer by Kathy Wood 2 weeks ago:
Hang the pair of jeans on a tree near a lake. This shows that someone hung clothes on the tree and went for a bath. ...
Hang the pair of jeans on a tree near a lake. This shows that someone hung clothes ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Photograph the moon'
Best Ways to

Photograph the moon

Last answer by Marty Day 6 months ago:
The moon is thousands of kilometers away. Your camera isn't going to be able to capture it properly without some ...
The moon is thousands of kilometers away. Your camera isn't going to be able to capture ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Photograph jewelry'
Best Ways to

Photograph jewelry

Last answer by Frank Long 6 months ago:
Sounds obvious, right? Of course, your jewelry must be clean and polished. The challenge comes from the level of ...
Sounds obvious, right? Of course, your jewelry must be clean and polished. The challenge ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Photograph northern lights'
Best Ways to

Photograph northern lights

Last answer by Elizabeth Grant 1 month ago:
You will need to find the shutter speed that works best. This is the most important variable because you won't ...
You will need to find the shutter speed that works best. This is the most important ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Photograph clothing'
Best Ways to

Photograph clothing

Last answer by Angelica Garcia 6 months ago:
Having the appropriate lighting can make or break any photograph that you try to take. If you don't have fancy ...
Having the appropriate lighting can make or break any photograph that you try to ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Photograph paintings'
Best Ways to

Photograph paintings

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image for topic 'Photograph art'
Best Ways to

Photograph art

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