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Louis Allen

Contact the companies directly

Companies are more straightforward in assisting job seekers. You can easily apply for open positions directly through their websites. If you are interested in working with a brand and there’s no job available on its website, reach out to them directly via email and leave your CV. The company might not be recruiting actively but they would surely consider your resume/CV when the time arrives.

Make a list of brands you are interested to work with and fetch their contact details. Note their current vacancies and apply at multiple companies to secure a job easily.Contact the companies directly

Use an Extendable Duster

As the hot summer days approaches, ceiling fans collects more dust. These dust particles are not safe for your family’s health. Cleaning the ceiling fans is a must in every 1 month. Use an extendable duster to reach the high ceiling and dust out the blades. These dusters are pretty versatile and can be used for any purpose around the house. The hassle of getting a ladder and using it can be very unsafe. Clean the ceiling fan and live a healthier life!

Stay active on LinkedIn

It’s pretty obvious. When you’re active and the platform and post often, you’ll likely receive some likes and comments on your posts. This way, all connections of people who liked or commented might be able to look at your original post in their LinkedIn feed. 

If those people have something in common with you, they might be interested in connecting.

Use Warm Water

The detergent dissolves easily in warm water and the warm water also helps remove the buildup on towels. Start the washer’s cycle and add the detergent in warm water. Wait for a minute or two to let the detergent mix, then put towels in the washer. This method should help get rid of the buildup and stench in towels.

Wash Your Face Often

A study revealed that people who washed their face more than two times a day had fewer acne lesions as compared to those who washed their face only once a day during a six-week period. The easiest way to have clear and radiant skin is to clean it as much as possible. The oil glands in the skin release oil that traps bacteria and dirt on the skin which forms comedones. Washing the face after a few hours, after coming home, or before going to bed, helps reduce breakouts when it removes the thin film of oil, dust, debris, and bacteria. 

Wash Your Face Often

Plan a Trip

Find a good picnic spot to visit on his birthday. Pack some delicious snacks and make his favorite sandwiches. Take him out on a beautiful picnic spot to have fun.

Choosing the right time for a picnic can make your day absolutely amazing. Going to the beach when the sun is coming up early in the morning or to a waterfall in the evening can be mesmerizing.

Find a tourist site that doesn’t get visited by a lot of people. If the birthday is on the weekend, and you go to a place that has a lot of people, the picnic will turn into a nightmare in no time. So make sure you choose the right spot that is beautiful and not many people know about this place.

Plan a Trip

Damp Cloth

The best time to clean the ceilings fan is when you have to clean the floors as well. While cleaning and wiping the dust, some of it will fall on the ground which means you’ll have to clean the floors afterward. Make sure you turn off the fan well in advance before cleaning because the fan can be really hot if it was in use. Grab portable stairs and start wiping the ceiling fans. Use more than 2 cleaning cloths to use when one gets soiled. Wipe with a dry cloth at the end for a clean finish. 

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