Topics tagged cleaning

image for topic 'Remove odors from home'
Best Ways to

Remove odors from home

Last answer by Dorothy Branch 1 week ago:
Soaps smell great and this is why you can use them to scent your closet and clothes. They can also save the money ...
Soaps smell great and this is why you can use them to scent your closet and clothes. ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Disinfect granite countertops'
Best Ways to

Disinfect granite countertops

Last answer by Jo Banks 1 month ago:
Granite countertops can stay shiny and good as new for years if taken care of, the right way. To clean the countertops, ...
Granite countertops can stay shiny and good as new for years if taken care of, the ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Get odor out of carpet'
Best Ways to

Get odor out of carpet

Last answer by Dewey Ramos 2 weeks ago:
The commercial carpet deodorizers help get rid of carpet odors instantly. The deodorizer powder or spray can help ...
The commercial carpet deodorizers help get rid of carpet odors instantly. The deodorizer ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Declutter'
Best Ways to


Last answer by Julie Walsh 21 hours ago:
No matter how much you push yourself to donate stuff, there will be things that you don’t want to use or give away. ...
No matter how much you push yourself to donate stuff, there will be things that you ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Kill bed bugs'
Best Ways to

Kill bed bugs

Last answer by Robert Thomas 6 months ago:
Bed bugs hide inside the lining of your mattress or inside the mattress. If you have been noticing bed bug bites ...
Bed bugs hide inside the lining of your mattress or inside the mattress. If you have ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Dust wood furniture'
Best Ways to

Dust wood furniture

Last answer by Terry Coleman 3 weeks ago:
Dusting furniture can be a breeze if you’ve got a microfiber towel and a bottle of furniture polish. Not only does ...
Dusting furniture can be a breeze if you’ve got a microfiber towel and a bottle of ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Wash towels'
Best Ways to

Wash towels

Last answer by Louis Allen 4 weeks ago:
The detergent dissolves easily in warm water and the warm water also helps remove the buildup on towels. Start ...
The detergent dissolves easily in warm water and the warm water also helps remove ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Get stains out of a carpet'
Best Ways to

Get stains out of a carpet

Last answer by Sara Butler 4 months ago:
If you spill your coffee or red wine on the carpet, don’t go away thinking 'I’ll clean it later'. The sooner you ...
If you spill your coffee or red wine on the carpet, don’t go away thinking 'I’ll ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Neutralize odors'
Best Ways to

Neutralize odors

Last answer by Dustin Hunter 7 months ago:
Do you have a bottle of really cheap vodka lying around the house? Great! You finally get to pop it open and put ...
Do you have a bottle of really cheap vodka lying around the house? Great! You finally ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Clean ceiling fans'
Best Ways to

Clean ceiling fans

Last answer by Benny West 8 months ago:
The ceiling fan in your kitchen is probably greasy and needs some extra effort at cleaning. To clear up the build-up ...
The ceiling fan in your kitchen is probably greasy and needs some extra effort at ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Get odor out of couch'
Best Ways to

Get odor out of couch

Last answer by Emma Simpson 1 month ago:
It is easier to prevent the bad odor than to get rid of it. Clean your sofas and couch regularly to avoid the smell ...
It is easier to prevent the bad odor than to get rid of it. Clean your sofas and ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Clean laminate floors'
Best Ways to

Clean laminate floors

Last answer by Fern Oliver 1 week ago:
Cleaning the spills right away will keep the laminated floors shiny and new. Water and other fluids are the biggest ...
Cleaning the spills right away will keep the laminated floors shiny and new. Water ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Purify air'
Best Ways to

Purify air

Last answer by Judith Rogers 5 months ago:
Activated charcoal is a natural air purifier. It’s also referred to as active carbon and works as an excellent ...
Activated charcoal is a natural air purifier. It’s also referred to as active carbon ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Clean ivory'
Best Ways to

Clean ivory

Last answer by Sean Walters 2 months ago:
Old ivory can turn dark or yellow over a period of time because of several reasons. The temperature and humidity ...
Old ivory can turn dark or yellow over a period of time because of several reasons. ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Remove rust from tools'
Best Ways to

Remove rust from tools

Last answer by Alexandra Stewart 10 months ago:
Baking soda is great for removing rust, and as an added bonus, you probably already have plenty in your house. Mix ...
Baking soda is great for removing rust, and as an added bonus, you probably already ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Clean exhaust fan filters'
Best Ways to

Clean exhaust fan filters

Last answer by Eileen Williamson 1 month ago:
If the fan filter is a traditional aluminum filter, you can always use your dishwasher for cleaning it. Simply ...
If the fan filter is a traditional aluminum filter, you can always use your dishwasher ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Dust walls'
Best Ways to

Dust walls

Last answer by Gilbert Terry 2 years ago:
The most effective and efficient tool for wall dusting is a vacuum cleaner. We all have them in our houses and ...
The most effective and efficient tool for wall dusting is a vacuum cleaner. We all ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Dust hardwood floors'
Best Ways to

Dust hardwood floors

Last answer by Mathew Kelly 8 months ago:
If you do not want the hardwood floor to get wet or come in contact with any chemicals from the dusting agents, ...
If you do not want the hardwood floor to get wet or come in contact with any chemicals ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Eradicate bed bugs'
Best Ways to

Eradicate bed bugs

Last answer by Bernard Nash 3 weeks ago:
The first thing you should do once you find bedbugs is to throw everything into the washing machine: sheets, curtains, ...
The first thing you should do once you find bedbugs is to throw everything into the ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Clean a whetstone'
Best Ways to

Clean a whetstone

Last answer by Marvin Poole 9 months ago:
A whetstone can build up metal flecks and eventually start to damage your blades. To maintain your whetstone, you ...
A whetstone can build up metal flecks and eventually start to damage your blades. ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Clean vaporizer'
Best Ways to

Clean vaporizer

Last answer by Stanley Riley 2 months ago:
The simplest way to clean your vaporizer is with a chemical called isopropyl alcohol. You don't need to do much ...
The simplest way to clean your vaporizer is with a chemical called isopropyl alcohol. ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Dust blinds'
Best Ways to

Dust blinds

Last answer by Alexander Cobb 4 months ago:
The best way to clean a blind at home is obviously with the use of a vacuum cleaner. Put a soft-bristle brush and ...
The best way to clean a blind at home is obviously with the use of a vacuum cleaner. ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Clean ivory piano keys'
Best Ways to

Clean ivory piano keys

No answers yet! You can help! If you know the best way to Clean Ivory Piano Keys please add it!
image for topic 'Clean elk ivories'
Best Ways to

Clean elk ivories

No answers yet! You can help! If you know the best way to Clean Elk Ivories please add it!
image for topic 'Clean wicker furniture'
Best Ways to

Clean wicker furniture

No answers yet! You can help! If you know the best way to Clean Wicker Furniture please add it!
image for topic 'Clean granite composite sink'
Best Ways to

Clean granite composite sink

No answers yet! You can help! If you know the best way to Clean Granite Composite Sink please add it!

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