People swear by the toothbrush trick for getting rid of love bites. To cover up your hickey, grab a brand-new toothbrush with stiff bristles, and begin to gently brush over the hickey. This will stimulate the circulation of blood and will cause the marks to subside. BE GENTLE – too much pressure can make things worse.
But “to err is human,” so if you did apply a lot pressure which caused the redness to spread – put an ice pack over it and let it sit. This should help wash off the redness to a good extent.
Fold your square napkin two times so that it looks like a smaller square. Pick up the top corner and make one and a half-inch folds until it reaches the center. Take the next layer and fold just below the first fold.
Flip over the napkin and fold it into thirds with the folds forming a diagonal on the front. This fold may take a few trials to master, but once you learn, it is very easy and looks elegant at your dinner parties.
Your outfit for the day lying on the bed is simply the most attractive thing. You are going out to have an amazing day and your outfit is all sorted. Place jeans, a perfume, a bag of the same jeans brand, a simple t-shirt, and voila! A simple but elegant way to showcase the jeans and other items of the brand you are photographing.
If you haven’t yet manifested anything, you are likely resisting the process. Pain, doubt, procrastination, anxiety, frustration, and resentments are all forms of resistance. And they are completely normal as well. But, if you really want to manifest, then you have to clear your resistance, trust the process, and work towards your goal.
Another classic trick that probably your parents and the parents of your parents also did back in their time. Swap out the contents of any water bottle with clear alcohol like gin, tequila, etc. Just make sure that no one around you gets thirsty enough to take a chug from your bottle.
Hair treatments like hair extenso, keratin, and re-bonding can help change the hair’s appearance and make them so much more manageable especially if you have curly and frizzy hair that is high-maintenance. After a hair treatment, you won’t have to worry a lot and they will look great for three months. You can also go for a C-curve, S-curve, or soft re-bonding if you are not a fan of straight hair.