Best Ways to Fold a napkin


Three-Point Fold

The three-point fold is the easiest way to impress the guests with an elegantly folded napkin. Lay the napkin flat on the surface. Bring the opposite ends of the napkin together to make a triangle. Consider the middle as the equator and the two imaginary lines on both sides as tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. To make three points, bring the right end of the napkin to the tropic of Cancer. Then pick up the right end again and lay it on the tropic of Capricorn.

Three-Point Fold

Written by Luz Jenkins
2 months ago

Fan Fold

Fold a large square napkin in half to create a rectangle. Start at the short end, fold the napkin into one-inch accordion pleats, stopping about four inches from the opposite end, Ensure the fold of the last pleat is at the bottom edge and the pleats are underneath.

Now fold the napkin in half lengthwise so half of the pleats are now on top. Tuck the upper left corner down and tuck it behind the center pleat, forming a triangle.

Release and let the pleats fan out. Adjust the folds and back triangle as needed so the fan stands upright.

Fan Fold

Written by Sally Black
3 days ago

Tie a ribbon on the napkin

A napkin ring is one of the best ways to let your favorite table accessories stand out. Place the wrong side of a square napkin on a flat surface. Fold in the two opposite sides to make a rectangle.

Now fold the upper left corner down to the center of the rectangle's lower edge. Fold the triangle you just made inside the napkin to form a square.

Turn the napkin and roll two sides of it towards the center. It should look like a tube from above. Again, turn the napkin over so that rolled edges are underneath.

Tie a ribbon at the center of the napkin to give it a chic look.

Tie a ribbon on the napkin

Written by Moises Hammond
10 months ago

Letter fold

Place the square napkin on the flat surface and fold it in half to make a large triangle. Fold the two corners together and overlap them slightly at the center. It should start to look like an envelope right now.

Fold in the edges again and let the fold touch in the center. Take the bottom edge and fold up to form a pocket. Fill this pocket with a note. You can fold the flap and seal the envelope.

Written by Mollie Hubbard
2 years ago

Cutlery Wraps

Place a napkin on a flat surface. Put your cutlery diagonally on the napkin and leave a third of the napkin showing at the bottom. Now fold the bottom corner over the cutlery.

Fold one side of the napkin over the cutlery and then fold the other side over. Tuck the edge of the corner under the fold.

You can also securely tie the bundle about halfway down with a ribbon.

Cutlery Wraps

Written by Danielle Smith
2 years ago

Napkin in glass

Layer one napkin on top of the other so that each corner is offset a bit. Grab the center of both the napkins and pull up. With the edges pointing up, place napkins in a glass and fluff. This fold is super easy and it looks very fancy on the dinner table.

Napkin in glass

Written by Angela Olson
4 months ago

Place Card Holder Fold

Add an elegant touch to your table with this fold. Fold a square napkin into quarters to make a square. Put the napkin on a flat surface and keep the open corners facing you. Now fold each open corner, one at a time, and place each corner about one inch from the previous one.

Fold up the bottom edge of the napkin by about an inch to make a fold that will hold the place card. Turn the napkin over and fold into thirds by tucking one corner under the other to hold.

Turn the napkin over again and put the place card inside the fold.

Written by Loren Mcbride
1 year ago

Diagonal Fold

Fold your square napkin two times so that it looks like a smaller square. Pick up the top corner and make one and a half-inch folds until it reaches the center. Take the next layer and fold just below the first fold.

Flip over the napkin and fold it into thirds with the folds forming a diagonal on the front. This fold may take a few trials to master, but once you learn, it is very easy and looks elegant at your dinner parties.

Written by Yvonne Gross
8 months ago

Use a napkin ring

Sometimes, simplest is best. And sometimes, you don't want to spend hours trying to figure out how to fold a napkin into a swan shape but you still want to make sure your place settings are presentable.

Napkin rings are a great way to set down your napkins without worrying too much about folding them properly. They often look even better than any folds you could've done yourself. You can simply fold your napkins like an accordion, roll them up, or fold them in half lengthwise and push them through the rings.

Use a napkin ring

Written by Carey Mills
4 months ago

Flower Fold

Flower fold is one of the easiest ways to fold a napkin. Keep the napkin on a flat surface and fold the two adjacent corners. The napkin should be folded from the center and placed with its corners slightly askew.

Now pick the center of the napkin and pull it through a napkin ring. That’s it. It's ready. Now fluff it and place it on your dish.

Flower Fold

Written by Georgia Whitaker
1 month ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Fold a Napkin?

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