Best Ways to Prospect for financial advisors


Choose a Niche

Just like when you have a skin problem, you’ll prefer going to a skin specialist rather than a GP, individuals who have a specific business financial problem, need specific business financial solutions so they go to niche experts. If you establish yourself as a niche expert, a number of individuals out there who need you will reach out to you. You can also charge higher because your services will be customized and value-added services.

Written by Betsy Davidson
3 weeks ago

Use Social Media

The older methods of networking at events and cold calling are dead. They were ineffective long ago because cold calling was only 2% effective and at networking events, everyone was trying to sell something to each other. Social media on the other hand has a lot of potential for gaining all types of clients. Define your ideal client and start reaching out to them. Showcase your expertise and communicate with them, how you can solve their problems, to prospect effectively.

Written by Ryan Johnston
3 years ago

Stay in Touch with the Next Generation

Let’s say you have an HNW client who regularly uses your services but he always meets you alone and none of their kin knows about you. When this HNW individual passes away, the family would probably go to another financial advisor because they won’t know you. Connecting to the next generation of aging clients means that you stay the person’s financial advisor as long as the business empire is there.

Stay in Touch with the Next Generation

Written by Martha Brennan
2 years ago

Referral Discounts

Over time, when you sit back and don’t prospect vigorously, you start losing qualified prospects. To always stay in the game and keep on generating leads, you need to start offering discounts on referrals. The clients who liked working with you will naturally refer you to others who may need your services but how about giving them something in return? Your client would want to come back to you next month or year for financial services and offering them a discount if they get you a client will encourage them to refer you to their friends and family or acquaintances who could be in need of a financial advisor.

Written by Nicholas Lewis
6 months ago

Write a Blog

Writing a blog on your company’s website not only helps attract more readers to the website but also helps generate high-quality prospects. Your content related to financial problems will be read by people who are looking for ways to fix their problems. Publishing content that may help them, shows them that you are an expert and they might want to reach out to you.

Written by Grant Robertson
3 weeks ago

Describe all Your Services to Your Clients

Now, this has happened to a lot of financial advisors. They don’t describe all their services to a client and they unknowingly go to a different advisor for a service that you were also offered. A client who is using your book-keeping services may not know that you can help them with tax returns too because you never told them. The client goes to another tax consultant and when you later tell them, that you could have given them a discount for getting multiple services, they say ‘I didn’t know you do that.

To avoid this situation and sell multiple services to your clients you need to let them know every service that is offered at your office. 

Written by Ryan Allen
3 months ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Prospect for Financial Advisors?

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