Best Ways to Eradicate poverty


Investing in Agriculture

China helped more than 800 million people to get out of poverty over a span of 40 years by developing the country’s agriculture sector. Low-interest loans, educational funds, and more investment in crop production helped the poor farmers to earn a suitable income that helped them get out of poverty. Investing in agriculture creates job opportunities for lower-class farmers.

Written by Elaine Ray
11 months ago

Opportunities for All

Resources and services that a country provides to its citizens should not be limited to the rich and the middle class. Everyone has a right to have access to basic food, shelter, clothing, clean water, sanitation, education, and jobs. To eradicate poverty, it is necessary to provide individuals the basic rights that will help them change their life.

Opportunities for All

Written by Julius Schmidt
1 year ago

Expand financial inclusion

Financial exclusion underpins a whole range of challenges that the world’s poor face. Without access to mainstream banking, the poor find themselves unable to avail any credit. Microfinance institutions have been ramping up infrastructure in a number of countries to expand the financial inclusion for the poor population. The governments, too, have been swiftly bringing reforms to promote financial inclusion. Hopefully, things will change soon and the poor will have access to a wider range of banking functions, including loans.

Expand financial inclusion

Written by Horace Armstrong
2 years ago

Improve Access to Jobs

There are individuals in search of jobs and then there are others who are in need of people who would work for them. Improving the access to jobs means finding a way to help employers meet these unemployed individuals. It solves a huge problem because it helps both parties. At the end of the day, the unemployed finds a job that helps them get out of poverty. Unemployment is one of the major reasons for poverty because when people fail to find a job that helps them pay for the cost of living, they are forced to live in poverty.

Improve Access to Jobs

Written by Sherri Olson
9 months ago

Highlight the importance of education

Education empowers the poor to pave their own way to their economic well-being without requiring much assistance from the government or other institutions. Without adequate education, however, there’s hardly any scope for the poor to address their financial distress. Lack of formal education significantly diminishes the prospects of the youth. Private educational institutions are out of the poor population’s reach. Therefore, it becomes imperative that the government solidifies the framework and functioning of public schools and impart education at zero or nominal cost. Additionally, governments, NGOs, and even you (if you're reading this looking for ways to help) should aim to highlight the importance of education among the poor who would rather send their children to earn wages rather than to school. 

Highlight the importance of education

Written by Alan Vega
8 months ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Eradicate Poverty?

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