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Grant Robertson

Have a partner in crime

Staying up all night by yourself can be miserable. It can also be extremely hard to stay awake without anyone to keep you accountable. If you need to stay up for whatever reason, ask a friend to stay up with you to make sure you don’t fall asleep. Pulling an all nighter with a partner in crime can also be a lot of fun. You’d be surprised how funny certain things can be at 3 in the morning.

Give back

You can give a financial gift to your favorite charity, alma mater, or your grandchildren. You can also consider a volunteer role for a cause you care about. Or you can mentor young minds who are at the start of their corporate life. Pass on your skills and give back to the community.

Write a Blog

Writing a blog on your company’s website not only helps attract more readers to the website but also helps generate high-quality prospects. Your content related to financial problems will be read by people who are looking for ways to fix their problems. Publishing content that may help them, shows them that you are an expert and they might want to reach out to you.

Recorded lectures

Recorded lectures are an excellent way to teach because of several reasons. First, if a student misses a class on account of being unwell or otherwise, he or she can just access the recorded video lectures and catch up. Often, students like to revisit something that was taught in class. Recorded lectures provide students this capability so they can learn and relearn the concepts at their own pace, and in their own time.

Recorded lectures

Hot Bath

For relieving muscle pain and tenderness, hot baths are the most effective. When you experience tension headaches it is because your scalp and forehead muscles tense up. To relax the tensed muscles, try a hot bath therapy. Avoid pulling your hair when bathing. You can massage the area to numb the pain and lessen the pressure on the nerves and blood vessels.

Take inventory of your life

Soul searching is not limited to your inner self. You would also benefit from evaluating your connections with the outside world. Look closely and analyze how, in your day to day life, you’re supporting or diminishing your authentic self and values.

If you’re in a relationship, see if it is helping you grow into a person you’d be proud of. Are you setting aside enough time for your hobbies and things that give you pleasure? If not, fix it.

Look at these things and consider the big picture of your life. Is there something you can do to better align your life and your soul’s purpose? If so, think about how you can make those changes over time, and feel free to seek guidance from a trusted person. 

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