Topics tagged mental health

image for topic 'Manage stress and anxiety'
Best Ways to

Manage stress and anxiety

Last answer by Essie Burns 3 weeks ago:
Stress and anxiety make their way into our lives when we are not feeling happy about each passing day. You might ...
Stress and anxiety make their way into our lives when we are not feeling happy about ...
Answers: 28
image for topic 'Deal with depression'
Best Ways to

Deal with depression

Last answer by Fred Neal 2 months ago:
Depression can affect your appetite. One may not feel like eating at all, but another may overeat. If depression ...
Depression can affect your appetite. One may not feel like eating at all, but another ...
Answers: 9
image for topic 'Help someone with depression'
Best Ways to

Help someone with depression

Last answer by Penny Moss 1 month ago:
The most you can do for your depressed friend is lend them your ear. Empathize with them and acknowledge the fact ...
The most you can do for your depressed friend is lend them your ear. Empathize with ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Beat winter depression'
Best Ways to

Beat winter depression

Last answer by Sarah James 2 weeks ago:
There are hardly any mental health ailments that meditation cannot solve. Studies suggest that by relaxing your ...
There are hardly any mental health ailments that meditation cannot solve. Studies ...
Answers: 4

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