Best Ways to Play with your cat


Hide the Food or Snacks around the House

Cats are more playful when they are hungry. Hide the food in a place that your cat frequently goes to and keep changing the place where you keep the cat’s food. This keeps the cat interested in finding food. Your cat does not need a lot of food, so make sure that you feed them small portions frequently or whenever the cat seems hungry.

If this is stressing out your cat, don’t move the food around. Stressed cats stop eating food and limit physical activity. If you notice any of these signs, stop hiding the food and place the cat’s food in a separate place where the cat can sit and eat comfortably.

Written by Enrique Erickson
9 months ago

Tie a Toy with a String

Cats love chasing things. Tie a small toy or a toy car with a 3 feet long string and let your cat chase it. Walk around the house with the other end or take the cat outside to a park and run to have fun. Don’t let the cat have the string or play with it alone as the cat may swallow it.

Tie a Toy with a String

Written by Luis Knowles
4 months ago

Box Maze

Make holes in a few boxes and tape the edges so they don’t hurt your cat. Connect the boxes and lay them together or on top of each other. Use at least 4 or more same size boxes. Stick them together with a hot glue gun or furniture glue. You can also put toys and snacks inside them for your cat to enjoy.

Written by Julie Oneill
6 days ago

Use a laser

There is nothing more entertaining than seeing a cat run around chasing a laser dot around the room. This is a great choice for even the most shy cats. Watch as instinct takes over in your feline friend. While it is very entertaining, it’s also a great way to make your cats do some much-needed exercise. House cats can get very lazy without exercise. Spice up your cat’s daily routine with a new laser toy.

Written by Danielle Smith
5 months ago

Get Moving Toys

Cats love small toys and balls that move. Catching these toys and chasing them makes them feel like hunting their prey. Some cats prefer to play with the same toy always and forever however many cats get bored of playing with a toy within a few days or a week. To keep your cat interested in playing with toys, buy a bunch of toys and give your cat, one toy at a time. Toys that walk, or move to excite the cats and easily become their favorite toys.

Written by Nicholas Adams
4 months ago

Give Them an Old Box

Cats love playing with boxes. If you find an old box lying around the house, give it to your cat. You will notice your cat hiding in the box and pushing it around the house. Boxes are light-weight so it’s easy for the cat to move them. Cats like to fit in the smallest space so the smaller the box, the more your cat will try to fit inside it.

Written by Rita Warren
1 year ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Play with Your Cat?

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